I need moar helpz!!

El Stormo

Mar 20, 2003
Flanders - Belgium
Hey all. I need help, preferrably from people who know a thing or two about art, but all input is more than welcome.

See, I've recently bought a Wacom to expand my art into colour instead of black-and-white pencil, and am now in the process of learning to paint digitally. I just finished my first digital painting and I'd like you to take a look and say what you think, what could be better, what feels wrong, etcetera. Because right now I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong :)


I have very little experience, but from what I've learned in that bit, is that lots of work looks great with the general colours. Shading/gradation, however, improves it by leaps and bounds.
Hey all. I need help, preferrably from people who know a thing or two about art, but all input is more than welcome.

See, I've recently bought a Wacom to expand my art into colour instead of black-and-white pencil, and am now in the process of learning to paint digitally. I just finished my first digital painting and I'd like you to take a look and say what you think, what could be better, what feels wrong, etcetera. Because right now I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong :)



It looks very good.
I just noticed that the face is a bit too grey at places for my taste.
It may have more red in it, to make her look more alive.
I think she needs just a slight touch of red on her cheeks, instead of the slight touch of grey which seems to be there now
Mhm, you could be right about that. Although it's not a problem if she looks a bit chilly :)

true, but just the places where her face should stand out a little bit more are grey-ish... and since that's a pretty cold colour it kinda draws back while I think they should stand out if you know what I mean. It looks a bit unlogical like this.
I think it would look better if you turned those more coloured shades around with the grey ones or something.
The nose may use a little bit more dynamics too ;P
btw, I'm just being very critical now
It looks good but your proportions are off in her face. It's also hard to tell where the light is coming from because it looks like it's coming from multiple angles. To me anyway. For instance, the shadow that her chin casts upon her neck doesn't look right to me. It looks like the shadow should be longer and have a darker core because her chin looks longer than what the shadow suggests. The bone structure of her nose looks off, and her right eye should be a little bit "behind" the upper part of her nose. In fact the entire (her right) right side of the face looks too "wide". The left looks great considering the angle, but it doesn't look like you continued the direction/angle/position of her entire head on her right side of her face. So there's some conflicting angles going on in the face. To my eye anyway. Other than that you could benefit from making her robe/clothing darker, with some light shadowing from her hair on it, as well as the background darker so her hair doesn't blend in as much and it gives a better sense of depth.
That's all I've got at the moment. But great job thus far.
It looks good but your proportions are off in her face. It's also hard to tell where the light is coming from because it looks like it's coming from multiple angles. To me anyway. For instance, the shadow that her chin casts upon her neck doesn't look right to me. It looks like the shadow should be longer and have a darker core because her chin looks longer than what the shadow suggests. The bone structure of her nose looks off, and her right eye should be a little bit "behind" the upper part of her nose. In fact the entire (her right) right side of the face looks too "wide". The left looks great considering the angle, but it doesn't look like you continued the direction/angle/position of her entire head on her right side of her face. So there's some conflicting angles going on in the face. To my eye anyway. Other than that you could benefit from making her robe/clothing darker, with some light shadowing from her hair on it, as well as the background darker so her hair doesn't blend in as much and it gives a better sense of depth.
That's all I've got at the moment. But great job thus far.
Cool. Thanks for the in-depth look and comment :)

Better than I can draw I guess.
Heh, I'll take that as a compliment.