
Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
I need more muscle in my recordings like arch enemy, or chimaira or devil driver!! I dont want to sound like these bands they are only an example but i want a sound with balls like that with kick drum, guitar, EVERYTHING!! My mix is good and the audio sounds good BUT I NEED MORE!!
Is there anyone willing to share a secret or two about EQing or outboard effects, preamps of some sort. I try to EQ balls but most of the time it just sounds like mud. Im guessing Drumagog would help with a fatter kick and snare!! My budget is small but fuck if it helps im all about it. Thanks for anyone who helps me out!! If i need something thats like 5g's dont say it!! :lol: Thanks again!! :kickass:
I need more muscle in my recordings like arch enemy, or chimaira or devil driver!! I dont want to sound like these bands they are only an example but i want a sound with balls like that with kick drum, guitar, EVERYTHING!! My mix is good and the audio sounds good BUT I NEED MORE!!
Is there anyone willing to share a secret or two about EQing or outboard effects, preamps of some sort. I try to EQ balls but most of the time it just sounds like mud. Im guessing Drumagog would help with a fatter kick and snare!! My budget is small but fuck if it helps im all about it. Thanks for anyone who helps me out!! If i need something thats like 5g's dont say it!! :lol: Thanks again!! :kickass:

well, i think 99% of this board thinks the exact same thing dude... we all want to sound like devil driver or arch enemy...

Like Jeff said, post a clip, that would help a lot... and yes, drumagog will allow you to sample some nice drum samples, meaning more attack if normal drums are not working out for you.

As for guitars, bass, etc, i can't say anything really, i don't know what gear you have and how it sounds alltogether... so a clip is neccesary first...
I will get it on here ASAP. Everything we have is good. Good sounding amps we use only good mics. Im not new to recording i know mic placement and all that stuff. Think about putting in a jam and turning down the bass, its plain sounding. Thats what its like. The mix is ok for the other stuff i have done put i just want a heavier thicker sound ya know?
I know it was a mistake i took a guess didnt work Dont know how to do that.
You could try a low shelf around the frequency you feel is lacking and boost a few db's to try and give the mix some more low end to it. Also maybe a multiband comp to compress the low end, making it jump out of the mix more.
Yea i have a multiband compressor in the program. Would mastering help any? Im guessing yea. Im gonna get that clip on here so keep in touch till then man. Later
the kick is too dm5 speed metal sample. add a second, more natural sound with it. It'd sound brutal then. pan the guitars 100%. more compression on drums. mic the guitars more closely. they sound really distant.

just some thoughts that came in to mind
Hey thanks for the feedback guys i really needed someone else to hear it. Its hard to ask opinions when someone has no clue whats going on. Speed metal kick? You nailed it man!!! I need a natural sound anyway. As with compression what do you mean? Multiband Compression or just program compression in the program or more DBXcompression when its being recorded? Im gonna get drumagog tonight ive been staring at it for a while now cause i feel the same way about the kick and my snare. Thanks
get a good compressor. like waves renaissance compressor. Drumagog will take a bit of time to get in to. My first triggerings with drumagog were dreadful :D. It takes some time, but practice hard! My mixes are getting better every session and I'm quite happy with the results. Every session I do, has a new trick I've learned here. This place is great!

For the drums: Try using MILD distortion on snare, toms and bassdrum. do an extra aux track for the drums and distort it a lot. then blend in the amount, you'd like. Good dist plug in you should look into is Camel Audio Camelcrusher. It came with my firepod and I think it's freeware. not sure though.
Turn up the guitars a bit. I think most of the power you're looking for is gonna be in the drums. The kick is too clicky. you want a boost in the low and high end and a scoop arounf 500hz. go for "smack" not for click. and practice practice practice practice practice and don't forget to compare your mix to a few others to see if anythings out of whack
Hey KEESSI, Whats the reason for the MILD distortion on the drums? Just asking dude