I need some help with my MIDI sound!!!

Emil Landin

Jan 27, 2002
Böle, Sweden
Maybe someone who is into this can answer because it's really important for me...

I'm a musician who creates songs on my computer. Unfortunately my MIDI sound sucks. I use those simple programs which use MIDI as playback... Is there better programs who doesn't use MIDI???

I've some wave-files that other people have sent me where you can hear their MIDI sound... And their sound kick ass! It almost sound like it is recorded with real instruments. My question is: "How can you make your MIDI sound better" Some use Sound Fonts to get a really good sound, but what exactly is Sound Fonts and how do you use it???

Otherwise from that can you use software to make your midi better?

It would be really good if someone know an answer to my provblems! Thanks!!!

/Emil Landin
Yes, you can use soundfonts to get better midi sound. For that you'll need a soundfont compatible soundcard, such as SB Live! or SB Audigy/AudigyII. The AWE32/64 will also work, but they have a very limited memory capacity, so you can't get very many sounds into them.

If I were you, I'd get some other composing software that can use VST/VSTi instruments instead. With that, you can still use your non-soundfont card and have a good sound. Or better yet, something that can handle both soundfonts and VST's.

Soundblasters are just so god damn terrible that one has no choice but to fuck soundfonts. Software synths like VST stuff or sound modules would be the way to go. Propellerheads Reason is good to use as a software synth. And for drums, Drumkit From Hell!