I need some moral advice


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
The facts of the case:

* I work one night a week at a small, owner-and-his-father-operated ice cream/coffee shop. the owner is really nice and pays me really well for what i do. I've been there for more than two years.

* I'm one of the four closers, so when the place closes at midnight, I stay and count the money, lock up, et cetera. This usually takes between ten and twenty minutes.

* A year ago, I moved to an apartment abou three times farther from the store than my old one. The T (which runs mostly to both) stops at 12:10, so often I can't make the last one. I told the owner I would have to stop closing when I moved, but he said he'd pay for my cab ride home ($7) on the nights I close. So last year, that's what I did.

* Even though he would have paid for it, I stopped taking cab fare over the summer and instead walked home. It takes about forty minutes, but it's a nice walk when it's warm, and I could use the exercise. Now that it's cold, I started taking cab fare again.

* One of my roommates is unemployed and has a car. Now, I believe if I offered him $7 to come and get me when my shift was over, he would. He has nothing better to do, and could use the money.

The dilemna is this: would it be wrong--at all--for me to give my roommate the $7 instead of a cabbie, and have him pick me up? I can't figure out any reason it would be, but I really don't want to do anything that would be wrong, so...do you guys see anything not right about it?

If you need to know any more pieces of information, just ask.
i don't really feel comfortable telling him, because i think he'll wonder if i'm ripping him off somehow. i just have to make sure i'm really not and i won't care about the perception of impropriety.
i cant see why he'd think it was all shady except that he might be like 'well if you can get a ride without the $7 i dont want ot pay it' to which you can respond that your friend won't pick you up unless you pay him. no?
bust your ass and sell 2 extra double mungbean waffle cones, jesus fucking christ $7 is not going to send you to hell

the frickin arafat account is 150x worse of a moral imprpriety than this frggin ass bullshit!
yeah, preppy, that's exactly my plan. i think if he thought about it, he'd realise it made sense, but he's more likely to be like "look, just keep it the way it is" so he doesn't get screwed by something he didn't see.

and nick, re: yasser: methinks the goatschool doth protesteth too much.
I, personally, think that the guy wont think you are ripping him off, I mean, you did walk alot of the time before, even though the offer was there.

Now...if you had taken the $7 each time and *then* walked, thats the bad thing! Also, Im presuming you room mate doesnt plan on being unemployed forever, so eventually he will get a job and wont be able to pick you up anymore...so think of it as just temporary! :D
if not, then:
