i need something to mix!

uploading now to ftp. the files totalled about 1.2 gb, is this normal? this is the first time I have prepped tracks for mixing. this could take a while but I am uploading at about 42 - 52 kps :mad:
I'll have some songs from a local band I recorded a while ago up for you like tomorrow. It was my first recording project so I'm sorry for any headaches it may cause you :) .
Hey Ronnie, I've got a rock thing that I recorded in the middle of last year, if you want. It's the track on my site called 'Everything I Need', so just gimme a heads up if you want me to upload the consolidated tracks. The guitars were Bogner ecstacy and some Soldano rackmount unit or another, so it's probably worthwhile just for that, haha.
I was having problems with the connection when I was letting it upload. I think I've figured it out now and I am uploaded it all in 2 rar files.
Hey Ronnie, I've got a rock thing that I recorded in the middle of last year, if you want. It's the track on my site called 'Everything I Need', so just gimme a heads up if you want me to upload the consolidated tracks. The guitars were Bogner ecstacy and some Soldano rackmount unit or another, so it's probably worthwhile just for that, haha.

I'm interested. I want to give my new plugs a go.