i need something to mix!

Yeah dude, I'm having troubles uploading to the FTP server, plus it's very easy to align the vocals properly. Just use Ronnie's final mix as a reference and drag the audio around until you get it right.
Nice quick mix Ronnie! Sorry it took so long to get the files up. This is actually the first time I have heard my music mixed by anyone other than me and I likey. :rock:
If it wasn't 2 rar file that you downloaded then it was probably corrupt. Try again man I'd love to hear someone else's take on this track!
Sorry I don't know what could be wrong. I don't know if Ronnie had problems with the download or not. Uploading was kinda dodgy last night so I don't doubt that there were problems downloading.

If you do get it downloaded, don't laugh too hard at the vocal track. It needs a lot of help! I actually turn on the plugins while I am tracking vocals just to be able to bear it myself:zombie:
that sucks. I'll upload that part again today. Sorry about that, I hope others want to try this one too.

the problem I was having during upload is that it would cut off after a while if I wasn't sitting right in front of the computer for the whole 2 hours or so. Any way to stop this from happening? I had my firewall and all that turned off. I am using the client that was suggested.