i need something to mix!

Did anyone else have trouble with the bass droning really bommy notes?

But aye, 02:20, the thing i'm really proud of in this song :lol:
yeah the bass is a bit boomy. I should have recorded the bass track raw with no distortion.

I usually don't export from DFHS so I never run into that TomU stuff.

On Gavin's choir hits - I think I made that sound on the toilet this morning:kickass:
Can anybody give me some tips how to get rid of the bastard snare from the OH mic? Ive hi passed it etc and got it really high pitch and slightly lower volume but its pissing me off! :lol:
:blush: Whats a sidechain?

Controlling an effect (compressor, gate) with a second track.

Say, you set a compressor to your overhead track and have a snare track trigger the compressor. So whenever the snare track is loud enough (depends on the compressor threshold), the compressor on the overhead track activates. Whatever is on the overhead track at the moment of the strike will be dampened depending on what sort of settings you use on the compressor.
The biggest problem I have is getting so the final mix everything sounds right in its place. I cant seem to get a clear mix. I think it sounds good on Sonar then I put it on my stereo and everything is fizzy and fighting each other! Ronnie you nailed it in 40 minutes, how do you get that clarity? Whats in your mastering chain?
thanks dude! I used bulb's distortion patch and used a little bit of eq on those guitar tracks. mostly high mids added in. for the bass I used splatt's bass patch.
AHHHHHHH!! I havent got a clue what im doing wrong, can anybody shed some light on how to get clear mixes? Is it something to do with the mastering? Mines sounds too mushy, I dont like to listen to it :erk: :cry: