i need something to mix!

Voices of the Apoc sounds fucking mint, wish I had that to tinker with! + I like your little effect editing parts that you've added, Very inventive!
Man, your mix is pretty awesome.

I notice at 30seconds in, we have the same problem with that fucking hihat sounding like a cowbell... :lol:
Thanks! Ive made a few little edits (not uploaded atm due to Total Recall being on TV :lol:) but ive lowered thr hats and OH's slightly, and made the vocals stand out more. Thats basically my first ever full mix :| Glad you liked it! :) :) MORE COWBELL! hahaha, cant be helped I guess ;)
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out that sidechaning deal...

I've got compression down... EQ is still a on the weak side for me...

That and I dont get enough sessions to mess with... I can only polish a turd so much... lol.

That and Drumagog is being a little bitch to me... i get nothing but flams when i try to use it... doesnt matter how I tweak the settings...
Man, you weren't kidding about it having been recorded badly! Even the synthetic DFHS spill is too much in some tracks! I'm almost done with my mix, I should hopefully have it up here either later on tonight or tomorrow morning, haha.
I actually Re-Superiored the drums with my own choice of kit.
I kept all the bleed natural though...

And still triggered the Snare/Kick


I bastardised it quite a lot... :lol: