I need your help about D.I please

Feb 28, 2010
Hi my friend , i looking for good D.I sound since a lot of years but I never succeeded
I've tryed a lot of material and loosed a lot of money and the sound is always exactly the same with all my guitars (esp mII emg81, gibson flying v emg81 and ltd h1007 emg 81-7) and all this signals chain :
Guitar>redeye>neve1073pre>lynx aurora>daw
Guitar> palmer pan02 DI box> neve1073pre>lynx aurora>daw
Guitar >apogee one>daw
Guitar>dbx 376 instrument in>lynx aurora>daw
Guitar>digimax intrument in>lynx aurora>daw

When i reamp DI find on the Andy forum the sound is directly right without settings and mine with a lot of setting is bad .I think I have to try everything this is why i come to ask for help!

To understand what I mean , i've recorded a short riff with my DI and DI of forumer

https://www.dropbox.com/s/iri2zyk4w37jjgc/MINE DI.wav?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/5imri14vda3czqg/Sneap Forum DI.wav?dl=0

Maybe there is Effect on DI?

Thanx for your help guyss:rock:
To me, "Sneap Forum DI" seems to be recorded with passive pickup.
There is some clipping, but it can be due interface, because it has some flat peaks at the same level, as in case of digital clipping, while "MINE DI" has definitely analog clipping from pickup preamp, as usual for active pickups. There is also standard active low end cut due to high-pass filtering in pickup preamp.
Also top end in case of "Sneap Forum DI" is standard to passive PU with pronounced resonance peak followed by faster high end fade.
So this is difference between passive and active pickups.
I agree with deLuther. When I ran my passive pickups through an on-board buffer circuit (making the guitar 'active') it turned from sounding like "sneap forum DI" to "MINE DI". It's the passive pickup being loaded by the cable capacitance that results in the resonant peak in the mids + the high cut deLuther mentioned. You can taylor that response on a passive guitar by using different cable types and lengths. If you're stuck with the 81s, run the DI through an EQ plugin to approximate the passive sound.
neptunian you can wire shunt capacitor before this buffer and get passive pickup response. Shunt capacitor means capacitor (somewhat like 470p-680p) from signal to ground to imitate cable capacitance. Of course, it`s not possible with integral active pickups.
No capacitance to ground gives wideband response (resonance peak at very high frequency, because of low shunt capacitance of typical OP-Amp). Standalone buffers can be tuned to have passive pickup response.

My example with the the same passive pickup and internal guitar preamp with different shunt capacitance:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3630120/M6_CMB3M_100p.wav (not quite "active", but resonance peak shifted to high frequency)
Variants 470p and 680p closer to passive pickup wiring.
Final tuned version:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3630120/23082012_M6_J50BC_CMB3M_MBoff.wav (mid boost minimum, almost as passive pickup without buffer at all)
(almost like active pickup of some sort)
I've had this problem for years. My DIs never sounded like the ones I was getting from others. Then I switched to passives and they sound way more like the "Sneap" DI you posted.
I found "Your" DI files more interesting than Sneap Forum One, thats the kinda DI sound I'm about to achieve, but haven't succeed yet! Its really close to Ola Englund DI files (I know he uses passive pickups)