I need your votes, folks!

Apr 10, 2009
Hi everybody,

Just because the Golden Globes and Oscars have passed, don't think "awards season" is over yet! Yep, it's that time of year again when I could really use your support for my business, Sticky Fingers Bakery. The Washington (DC) City Paper is holding its annual "Best of" poll and we're up for "Best Bakery," "Best Cupcake," and "Best Vegan Restaurant." I believe your votes were crucial in our win last year, so I'd be mighty obliged if you'd please help us win the title for the third year in a row!

When you go to the link to vote (http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/bestofpoll/), please also scroll down to "Food & Drink," click the link in blue that says "39 More..." and type "Sticky Fingers Bakery" in the "Best Bakery," "Best Cupcake," and "Best Vegan Restaurant" categories before you click "submit ballot". Voting is easy but it ends March 15 at 11:59 PM ET.

Thank you for your sweet indulgence! :Saint:

P.S. For more info on my bakery, go to www.StickyFingersBakery.com.
Sticky Fingers was voted BEST BAKERY & BEST VEGAN RESTAURANT in the Washington City Paper annual readers' poll!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to vote for my little ol' shop--YOU made the difference!!