I never liked Nevermore until now...

Apr 7, 2002
Lansing, MI
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~I have to admit that Nevermore never really appealed to me, mostly due to the vocal approach of Warrel Dane. When I hear him I think of several vocalists harmonizing at once, maybe Geoff Tate, Layne Stanley, Rob Halford and Bobby "Blitz" Ellesworth with a dash of Ozzy. But recently I gave them another shot with their latest Enemies of Reality,... and either the band has improved greatly over the past 6 years or I'm finally starting to get it. Or maybe both. EoR is just pummelingly aggressive, but still takes time out to slow things up in a few passages. The melodies are catchy and well placed in the songs. The funny thing is, I've heard some mixed reviews about this album at CDNow, (mostly due to the production and album length).

~So in a moment of weakness I went ahead and bought Dead Heart in a Dead World and Dreaming Neon Black. DNB didn't quite impress me as much, even though one of my favorite guitarists (Tim Clavert ex-Forbidden) was a member of the band at the time. I love the guitar work but I don't think that the vocals are up to par with EoR. Plus the fact that the title track is a straight grunge anthem.

~But DHiaDW is great. I can only hope that the band keeps up it's new aggressive tendancies with their next album, (it was mentioned that Enemies was a kiss off to Century Media, whom seem to be losing all of their best bands for some reason. Is Arch Enemy next?) Anyway, if I can get it maybe a few vids on Headbanger's Ball would prompt others to open up. I mean hey it's working for Opeth and Shadows Fall, and to me those two aren't really all that special.
"Plus the fact that the title track is a straight grunge anthem."
I didn't think much of DNB when I first heard it either. I spent most of my time on Dead Heart. But when the aforementioned started getting old, I returned to Dreaming Neon Black, only to find that it really did click with me. It evokes such a strong atmosphere (unlike other Nevermore releases), and as such is their most mature release to date, imo. Probably my fave Nevermore album now.
Now now, was that very nice?

My personal fav is EoR, it just rukes, I could give a shit about the production, most of the bands I listen to all have records that have hoooorible productions, Sepultura, Death, Morbid Angel, it doesn't bother me, the music far out weighs the production in this case.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
warrel's vox were never better than on Politics...and they were second best on DNB...welcome aboard anyway..

agreed, brutal and sexy... :kickass:
which totally lost its charm after I read how his poo turned to 'this poo is cold' stuck on his butt or legs or whatever... not that it has anything to do with vox, but, as the passion of some is growing, and I used to love so desperately, now it died, totally, and it's as cold as this poo....


Billiam, they don't play the selftitled cuz.... dunno,the Master of teh Poo said they don't do it because it sucks... :Smug: I was literally offended. haha