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personaly, i dont find the production on dead heart to be that much better (when compared to POE and DNB). im not particularly hyped about sneap. id rather get kernon back if anyone heh.
the produyction fits the album....and no one should say it simply isn't as good as the other albums becaue it is
it's jsut as good as DHIDW or DNB and some people will even say better...right bill
man....and i thought all the EoR production bitching was over....
the new record will own im sure of it! with Steve's influence i have NO doubts the songs will rock the casbah!
When you are in a signed band, your record company has you by the balls. If you don't play nice and cooperate, they simply shelve you... or worse, maybe the like you and they have Kelly Gray produce the final album of your contract so that, compared to your other albums, the productions sucks. This leaves your fans, spoiled by superior productions in the past, a little uneasy at first and unsettles other music industry professionals, lowering your odds that you'll sign with another label.

Did it happen that way? No way to tell, but it would be one of the least crappy things that a label has ever done to a band, and is not at all unlikely. It also leaves a band with a couple of equally crappy choices: they can either tell their fans that "they meant to do that" and encourage you to buy the album and come see them at their shows, or they can shoot themselves in the proverbial foot.


Buy the album and go to the shows -- the band did their job, whether Kelly Gray did his or not, and you do get used to the production.
andy sneap??????????? awesome. i thought they were gonna do one more tour this fall? oh well.

also how come most of the people on this board are homosexuals who like power metal and play dungeons n dragons?
how come your an ignorant fucking dipshit who makes a halfassed retarded post without taking 2 minutes to do a search and look through the archive posts of the board?
metalskater7 said:
how come your an ignorant fucking dipshit who makes a halfassed retarded post without taking 2 minutes to do a search and look through the archive posts of the board?


also for my 2 cents, if someone likes Power Metal, that makes them a homosexual who plays dungeons and dragons? Dumb piece of shit. Get the hell out of here and go f*ck yourself. Or do you need me to post a pic to get what I am telling you to do. I know where one is, and I will post it. If you don't leave.