I/O problems in PT9: WTF?!?!?


Feb 15, 2011
Froggy France!
Hi guys

I bought the crossgrade to PT9 a few days ago and installed it... It worked perfectly.

Today, I was working on a session and I noticed that the Delay Compensation indicator was red. So I changed the value from 'short' to 'long' in the playback engine. Then PT restarted the session but it bugged.

I reboot computer + digi003 and reloaded the session. A pop up told me that the I/O was changed since the last time and no fucking sound anymore! I checked the I/O settings and the digi003 doesn't appears anymore only "ProTools Aggregate"!!! Not a damn word about that in the reference menu! And I cannot set the Digi003...

Because I thought the Digi003 was broken, I played a song in VLC and ITunes: worked nice, no problem.

It would be REALLY appreciated if someone here can help me coz I don't know what to do!!!

My gear:
IMac 3.06ghz/4Go RAM
ProTools 9.0.5
Digi003 Rack+
Problem solved.
In the Playback Engine there is a little window where the hardware can be choose. Don't know why but the Digi003 were disabled...

I have another question: In this current session I have a few plugins only. Only 4 or 5 tracks have an amount of 400/500 and the master track has 1024 (Limiter) but the Delay Compensation indicator is red and I can do anything (set up the Delay Compensation short, long, etc...), it's still red. Other sessions have much more plugins and the indicator is green. Mystery....!!
Was gonna come in and make a suggestion, but you figured it out.

Delay compensation depends on the plug in. Setup a track and load different plug ins, you'll see that some plug ins only use 16 samples of delay and others use a helluva lot more. I'm not sure what the limit is, but if it's red, it means it's over.
That's why I wonder where's the problem.. There's almost nothing (comp, eq) and the delay applied by the plugins is less than 500. It's impossible that it's over.

When you set the Delay Compensation on "Long", it compensates up to 4000 approx. and up to 1024 on "Short" so it would be ok on "Short". I think I'm gonna create a new session, then import the session data and see what's going on...
Don't know how it work on native (I'm in HD TDM) but use aux track instead of Master track. ADC doesn't work on master track...
And you can click+holding ALT down on the volume value in the mixer to change view to how many samples of latency each track have. Then you can see which plugin that causes the most latency.
And you can click+holding ALT down on the volume value in the mixer to change view to how many samples of latency each track have. Then you can see which plugin that causes the most latency.

Yeah I know that and that's the point. The bigger delay on audio track is 423. With DC set on 'short', it should be ok but no...

I was not at home these last days, I'm gonna try to import the data in a new session and see what happens. Maybe it's just a bug? Will let you informed!
Oh my bad! I wanted to try some different routing this time and yes there was a loop :loco:

I actually had a bus for a drum reverb which I was sending in the drum bus but the verb bus out was the drum bus.. got me? I always manage drum reverbs in a different way.

I'm not stupid only really tired :lol:

Thanks a lot man for your help!!!