I passed my driving test!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought you had your driver's liscense WHEN I GOT YOU THAT SKYLINE GT-R R33!!!!!!!
Oh Well, I got the $680,000
Congratulations. Speed Limits around here suck. 25 my ass, you can safely go 60, That's what the cops do. And on that same 25 road, I almost got hit by a Lambroghini Diablo going 120+ mph/200kph when I was walking home from school last year...
Steve, i asked for an R-34. ;)

Hearse: I'm not on the roads in England, i'm on the roads in scotland. Big difference. for one thing, in england your more likely to hit someone nice if you hit anyone in a car. ;)

btw, steve. the limits are there for safety. it doesn't matter what everyone else does. if you stick to the speed limit you're less likely to kill someone if you hit them. doing 60 on a 25 limit is insane. the most i've ever done was 40 in a 30 limit, which only happened when i was going down hill and i soon pulled it back when i realised what the speed was. it's never safe to drive at 60 in a populated area. those limits aren't the to reduce the risk of losing control or crashing into other cars, they're there to reduce the risk of killing someone if you hit them. there is always a chance someone will run out on the road and no matter how good a driver you are, you cannot stop a car doing 60 in 10 meters (approx 33ft). you can't even slow it down enough that you don't kill/maim someone if you hit them. even going at 35 vastly increase the chance of killing someone when you hit them, unless you have about 20 or 30 meters to see them and react. only fools speed.
Congrats Slashy! I've resently gotten mine as well!

Let's drive! and crush some other cars!:D :p
The speed limits are not always good. on a perfectly paved 4 lane wide highway, 40mph is a bad speed limit. Speeding is bad, but you have to be reasonable. I live in an old people town. one hill here if you go down it in neutral, you end up at about 80 in 300 feet. I saw an autobahn like 6 lane each way highway once with a 45 speed limit. it was completely deserted. ridiculous speeding is bad, but within reason is OK. on a road where 40 is safe but he SL is 25, most people go 60. I don't drive, but my brother will go 40. everyonwe around here thinks they are better than you. an asshole in an Aston Martin decided going 80 was too slow so he pulled onto the wrong side of the road to pass. 16 year old kids go into driving school get their liscence, their parents never see them drive, they get a brand new BMW or Mercedes-Benz and then they have the right to pass you. Someone hit my mom at a stoplight a few years ago going 55 in a 25 zone while the light was red. Fairfield,CT is different than everywhere else. you have to make exceptions. I like going places around 9to11 pm so no one else is there to avoid. but I agree with you slash, speeding is bad. What type of car do you want? My brother has a '97 Buick Century Custom, because he copmmutes to school.
And those idiots with SUV's...
Steve I hear what youre saying. I speed all the time but within reason on main roads. Across from my place is a park and if theres ever any kids out there Im going like 10 cos Im scared one of em will lose a ball or something and just dart out. Hah their parents prolly think Im a child molester cos I go so slow. Im an angry driver. If you dont yield to me when you have a big ass YIELD SIGN Im gonna fucking yell at your dumb ass. I also hate people who drive wth their cellphones going BLAH BLAH BLAH ASS BLAH and then just woop change lanes without looking. I had to swerve into the oncoming traffic lane to miss one such fucker about 3 days ago. Anyways I havent had a ticket so Im proud of that.

My Dad got a ticket a few years ago for 30 in a 25 zone because some old assfucker called the cops to complain. My mom and brother have none.

And Slash, I found a great place to speed. Parking Lots with 5 mph SL's. At the beach at night during the winter. do a round to see if anyone is there and stay away from the edge. 4 times the speed limit is safe :) . And if you just want to go fast, DRAG STRIPS!!! Funny cars doing the Quarte mile in 5.0 at 340. In Metric that is about 550 kph. in 5 seconds. I don't get to drive, though. and 40 in a 30 zone is less in kph.

ANd for a car, when I get my liscnece, I'll go for an old mustang or camaro. safe cars (dual 5* crash tests) and fun,too. I'll rebuild the engine with high performance parts. The Skyline was discontinued :( .
Angel: Congrats to you too! and thanks. :)

Steve: you mean they've actually stopped making the Skyline? From what i read they hadn't discontinued it but they weren't going to use the name Skyline on the topline models of the R35. Don't know how old the website is or when it was last updated, but it looks different from when i was last there:


Its near the bottom of the page.