From what I've (*cough*stalked*cough*) seen around the forum/pics thread, shorter hair fits you well and makes you look more mature. Noice. :cool:

@Turbo: At least they don't wanna dye/bleach/tease/curl it / whatever :goggly: and make you look like this:
I think it looks really awesome dude, makes me wanna do mine like that. It hasn't grown an inch in like 3 years and I hardly ever have it down, so it just looks shit the whole time. Good choice!
I think it looks really awesome dude, makes me wanna do mine like that. It hasn't grown an inch in like 3 years and I hardly ever have it down, so it just looks shit the whole time. Good choice!

Join the dark side. Chop the mop. Trust me its soo much better without it, I'm sure everyone who has had theirs cut will agree
I want to...I just, don't want to DO it. It's hard to explain, but if it was as easy as changing over a wig to restore it, I wouldn't hesitate, grrr. Maybe in the summer.
mine is halfway down my back again.... I got it cut short a few years ago and got lazy about cutting it again. I might get it cut or shaved soon, its starting to get annoying at school in the workshop.