In America you guys refer to Japanese/Chinese/Vietnamese etc. people as Asian, over here we refer to Indian/Pakistani etc. people as Asian. We're all from the same continent anyway.

Here we refer to japanese, chinese, vietnamese, cambodian, korean and the like as japanese.

And Indian, pakistani, sri lankean (buh?) etc are simply Indian.

Adds to the simplicity, I reckon.
To be honest, it was a lot of work to mantain it fairly decent. Sometimes, one needs a change and that's mainly why I cut it. To think that "metal = long hair" is pretty stupid and childish. It isn't about the hair, it's about the person you're below it. It took me quite a while to figure that one out. One of the biggest enemies is the fear of change and how is it going to look, but you cannot win without taking a risk.

tl;dr: Those who are looking for a change/wanting to cut his hair: JUST FUCKING DO IT. :kickass:
To be honest, it was a lot of work to mantain it fairly decent. Sometimes, one needs a change and that's mainly why I cut it. To think that "metal = long hair" is pretty stupid and childish. It isn't about the hair, it's about the person you're below it. It took me quite a while to figure that one out. One of the biggest enemies is the fear of change and how is it going to look, but you cannot win without taking a risk.

tl;dr: Those who are looking for a change/wanting to cut his hair: JUST FUCKING DO IT. :kickass:

To be honest, it was a lot of work to mantain it fairly decent. Sometimes, one needs a change and that's mainly why I cut it. To think that "metal = long hair" is pretty stupid and childish. It isn't about the hair, it's about the person you're below it. It took me quite a while to figure that one out. One of the biggest enemies is the fear of change and how is it going to look, but you cannot win without taking a risk.

tl;dr: Those who are looking for a change/wanting to cut his hair: JUST FUCKING DO IT. :kickass:
That´s the point. I spent 2/3 of my life having long hair, but during the last years I didn´t really feel comfortable with it, didn´t want to risk cutting it off for years though. When I had the balls to do it in the end just before I began studying, I felt like "this is me, finally!", and I was really ok with it for the last nine years.
Somehow it got to feel similarly wrong in the last one and a half years, so I decided to grow it again. Now I´m trying to take more care of the long hair than I used to, and again I feel better and more comfortable than before. That´s what people around you are noticing most anyway, if you feel content with it, people have that impression, too, just by your behaviour and authenticity.
So basically, one should just do what feels right at the time. What do you lose by cutting it? If you don´t feel comfortable with short hair, grow it again. Then your hair has had its time to chill and renegerate, so it will look better than before anyway.
So I guess I'm the most evil person in the world, becuse I brush my hair in the morning and before I go to bed, and if I shower at home (most days I shower at the rink after practice) I tend to use the dryer to save myself a couple hours of wet hair.

Well I gotta be honest and blunt. I personally think every single Alexi guitar (unless customized) is a piece of shit. I never liked them, and never will. :lol:


They also lack a string.

Both: fail.

"I have 7 strings and now all 6s are ghey, and I'm so over Alexi and his guitars!".

You guys talk about fanbois, but ex-fanbois are much worse. You spend the whole day reminding the rest of us how much you don't like Alexi and his guitars anymore and how mature you got and how wrong we are not changing over to 7.

Will you stop jumping on every single bandwagon just for the sake of it when a regular says something? Postcount +1 is all I can think of with 80% of your posts dude.
Will you stop jumping on every single bandwagon just for the sake of it when a regular says something? Postcount +1 is all I can think of with 80% of your posts dude.

I wasn't, I like seven strings. I don't care about postcount, I just often make shit posts that would often lead people to think so.
Nope, I'm actually going to get a seven fairly soon. I like sixes, I'll always own sixes. Eights are unnecessary to me, but if I end up liking them so be it.
Both: fail.

"I have 7 strings and now all 6s are ghey, and I'm so over Alexi and his guitars!".

You guys talk about fanbois, but ex-fanbois are much worse. You spend the whole day reminding the rest of us how much you don't like Alexi and his guitars anymore and how mature you got and how wrong we are not changing over to 7.


I merely meant that for me it's a unnatural setup and that for the price of one of those guitars the quality is not up there where it should be! Sometimes, I can't get over how anal this forum is about what you say, not to mention how picky and critically every post is read. Both ways!

Also, I want a 8-string :lol:

To the subject of fanboys, there is a clear line in having someone you admire and being a crazed fanboy. To be a fanboy is certainly not a good thing...usually includes bad influence and shitty playing too.
Whats the matter COCOB, u mad?

You always whine about ex-fanbois whining about fanbois, at this rate the forum will divide by zero and we'll all die.
Both: fail.

"I have 7 strings and now all 6s are ghey, and I'm so over Alexi and his guitars!".

You guys talk about fanbois, but ex-fanbois are much worse. You spend the whole day reminding the rest of us how much you don't like Alexi and his guitars anymore and how mature you got and how wrong we are not changing over to 7.

Don't be stupid. I never liked Alexi's guitars at any point in time. I was never really a fanboi either. The only reason why I was listening to the band is because I mainly found the neo-classical parts interesting.
His guitars have always been pieces of shit, and there are much better guitars out there unless you like having a castrated setup. Otherwise, customize it to be better.

I switched to 7s a long time ago only because I wanted to do some techniques that required the extra string. I didn't give a shit if whether or not it was the new trend. Sure, it's quite difficult to use it with it's fatter fret scale and shit, but I still use 6 strings from time to time if I don't need the 7th string. I wasn't saying it was wrong to use a 6. I just hate RR's. :lol:
No. I agree with Jose.
Its pretty clear you all hate on RR's because you're trying to prove how anti Alexi you are.

Even though I'm not much of an Alexi fan anymore I still think that they're some of the best damn looking guitars out there. My Edwards is easily the best guitar I've ever owned and I'll probably buy another once I can afford it.

EDIT: Ofc, its all subject to opinion. :p
No. I agree with Jose.
Its pretty clear you all hate on RR's because you're trying to prove how anti Alexi you are.

Even though I'm not much of an Alexi fan anymore I still think that they're some of the best damn looking guitars out there. My Edwards is easily the best guitar I've ever owned and I'll probably buy another once I can afford it.

EDIT: Ofc, its all subject to opinion. :p

A guitar is more about than just how it looks. I'm not hating RR's cause of Alexi. I don't like them cause they are shitty to play. Saying that I'm only saying this to be anti-alexi is a stupid assumption. Don't make stupid assumptions about me or how I think.
A guitar is more about than just how it looks. I'm not hating RR's cause of Alexi. I don't like them cause they are shitty to play. Saying that I'm only saying this to be anti-alexi is a stupid assumption. Don't make stupid assumptions about me or how I think.

Explain how RR's are shitty to play then.

EDIT: Plus to me, when I buy a guitar the looks are the most important thing. As you can pretty much take any guitar and customize it yourself to alter the sound quite easily (e.g new pickup). As opposed to changing the looks of it, which would be more difficult.