I recorded Trashed, Lost while being totally trashed

thats the first time i have heard the song, holy shit man!!!! (cant wait till the new album/dvd!!!!!!) great fuckin job
Hey guys!!! I did that after 15 beers, i just had a festival gig ( yeah! we were headline!) and ive drink 4 beers and still have 12 to go so i can record knuckleduster drunk! I can record Trashed better when im not drunk...
stoned&drunk said:
I uploaded the tab i made to Mysongbook and i think it should be there soon. Its the tab number (2), the first one was a fake..
Heh olet tämmöstäkin ruvennut väsäämään :)
Stoned & drunk... muutes oletkos menossa katsomaan Cob:tä tavastialle 24.8??
EDIT: eikä toi sun antama linkki toimi...