I saw a sword. I want to buy it, and swing it around lumsily just like Samoth did!!!!


Today I walked past a shall we say "hippy" store.

I love those stores, they have lotsa cool dragons and what nots.

But I saw this big sword in the window with a beuatifully crafted handle with a glass ball on the end. It did look cheap, just by looking at it. But it was still cool, and made me thing of Dragonlord, or Samoth wobbling his sword around in the "Loss and Curse Of Reverence" video. And I thought, I want one!!

Anyone else have a shnazzy yet corny sword?

Am I insane?

Which Line is the Longest?

Why are puddles?
Funny how you posted this...I just got a Samurai Sword set a couple days ago...FINALLY!!
It's not corny, but it's long overdue & now I just need someone to try & break in so I can test it out!:lol:
I once read a Rhapsody review where the guy said he went out and bought a sword after listening to the album.. Yikes.. Now where are those kind of metalheads when I need to get rid of my Rhapsody CD? :D
Yeah!!! An awesome game!
I am totally addicted as well.
I haven't been able to really play though since Luclin came out:mad: :mad: :mad: :( :mad:
Some sort of problem with directX. I dont seem to get any Video acceleration:( Anyway, I'm on Bertoxx server.
I used to live a few minutes away from a shop in York whih used to sell nothing but swords and armour etc...i always wanted a nice suit of armour, but it cost like £2500 so i couldn't afford it...but me and the guys a lived with all brought a few things, and one day when someone did try to break into our house (my mate just happened to walk into the front room as the guy was climbing through the window...it was about 3am, so he probably thought we'd be asleep)... we ended chasing the guy down the street, two of us had swords and sheilds, another had a great big axe (which he could bearly lift, much less swing...but it looked damn cool), and other two a frail (spiked iron ball on a chain) and a spear...we chased him for about 500 metres doing our best beserker war cries...needless to say he never came back :lol: ... i suppose in american you could have just shot him, which wouldn't have been half as amusing...
I used to be Everquest addicted. Its evil, i tell you! I might start again for Luclin actually.. im a 60 warrior (halfelf) on brell serilis.
Yes.. that is an iksar.

Iksars are just fucking sexy.

I have a 25 Druid Wood Elf on Ayonae Ro.

I'm just a newbie at the moment, but I love it. It is badly adictive and it pisses my friends off a lot. But I love it.

I'll be creating a num,ber of new chars soon, some nice evil ones, which should be fun.
yeah your right...
and it looked like this, except with more, slightly shorter, spikes...and a spike at the end of the handle


its the sort of weapon you could a nasty accident with if your not careful

unfortunately i don't have my sword (the good one anyway) anymore...when i moved back onto campus i was made to get rid of it (im sure the cleaner grassed me up, the bitch) because your not allowed weapons in your rooms...so i had to sell it...i've still got one on my wall, but thats only a decrative one...its blunt and made out of poor quality metal...my good one was razor sharp, i used to cut telephone directories in half with it (i have a strange sense of fun)...i miss my sword actually, i might buy it back when i move out of uni, and on that day all telephone directories, and large mail order cataloges will tremble with fear...mahwahahah
hmmm brotherelf, what's the matter with your avatar, I thought the maximum size was 100x100 pixels
Nothing's wrong with it! I like just how it is:lol:
I think it's because I saved it as "BMP" if I remember correctly.