I saw DT Live.


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2006
Eugene, OR
I saw Dark Tranquillity live with Opeth, but that's the first time I've heard of them.

Could anyone fill me in on some of their stuff, albums, etc, that I should buy or listen to?

Thank you.

And, I bet this post is going to get flamed, but it does not phase me. I'm still interested to hear their music. :lol:
hahaha DS, that's dipsy as hell. He was talking about Dark Tranquillity :lol:.

There are some "which album is best to start on" threads lying around this forum somewhere, but because I'm a bit shit, I can't find them so I'll say this true:

Start with Damage Done. Although it's not the most classic album, it's definately the most impressive on the ear and is a great enalgum (is that even a word?) of their sound. Not too thrashy, not too electronic.

Some places you can check some media out...

sorry :lol:
but we are on dt forum, so i figured she or he knew about them.
its 2:30 am here and I had to wake up at 6:30 this morning :lol:
here is my formula, it's the best :grin:

start with Damage Done or Haven. while getting familiar with these, get the most admired songs of different albums, like Insanity's Crescendo, Lethe, Therein, and you'll have an idea about what lies ahaed of your DT career. these songs will guide you with which album you should buy next. and finally get exited to hear more and more songs (this is very important:p).
Haha don't worry, there will not be any flames towars ye in these phorum, we're nice lads. You'd be amazed by how educated/polite/not rude. I can recall there has only been one heated up discussion between Undie (where are ye? :waah: ) and Plintypoo. But that's about it (that I remeber).

I have to differ with KC and 6String, becuase as I always said, once you start listening to a new band, you should hear their albums in the order that they were released, in order to see how the band has evolved or got better (like in this case) or worse (like COB's or In Flames's case).

Check out "The Gallery", perfect album as with all albums of DT, but this is my fave, 'Tis soooooo fuuuckin good.

:rock: :kickass: :rock:
Dement said:
I'm a girl.

You guys crack me up!


We could also coke you up or maybe heroin you up, would you prefer?

In any case, forget anything else these nerd above me have said and
get The Gallery and then Character.