Did I just get made fun of for listening to Dark Tranquillity?


Monochromatic Stains
Dec 27, 2003
Calgary, Canada
Hahaha. Okay. So, I was walking to the video store, when these two guys walking in my direction saw me. The first one said, "Look at this girl!" and the other one started laughing and said, "Pfft. Dark Tranquillity. I bet she thinks they're hardcore." Then they crossed the street, looking back at me and laughing the whole time. I couldn't help snickering at the utter ridiculousness of the situation.

How interesting. Apparently, enough people in this city have heard of Dark Tranquillity that a few people even dislike them. This is a big improvement over where I used to live, where the only person aside from me who listened to Dark Tranquillity was only trying to get into my pants. My best friend's cousin, who also lives here, told me that he hates DT because they "sound like P.O.D" and "don't have any talent." Then he told me that I should listen to Korn if I wanted to hear an example of a band with real talent for aggressive music. I told him that the conversation was backwards, and then we ate ice cream. The end. :goggly:

Most people here who have heard of Dark Tranquillity do like them, though. I've had a few people scream, "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH" at me out of their car windows when I'm wearing my DT hoodie. Haha. (That is actually really annoying, don't do it.)
Korn is aggressive? Woah that's a new one. Have you read their lyrics? The darkest ones are more like pedo or something :D

@Jolty: That's awesome, where I live most people think blink182 is music of the devil. OF THE DEVIL.
I've never been into Korn that much to inspect their lyrics.

Whatever they play is aggressive. And what do lyrics have to do with band being "aggressive" anyway?
Well, you know... somehow to me "y'all want a single say fuck that!" as a try at being aggressive sounds mediocre at best.

Maybe they are aggressive, but aggressiveness is relative.
A 5 year old who wants to open its presents NOW is can also be thought of as aggressive. Oh, my bad, I referred to a child as an "it" again... I meant his or hers, whatever gender suits the child better.
Well, you know... somehow to me "y'all want a single say fuck that!" as a try at being aggressive sounds mediocre at best.

Maybe they are aggressive, but aggressiveness is relative.
A 5 year old who wants to open its presents NOW is can also be thought of as aggressive. Oh, my bad, I referred to a child as an "it" again... I meant his or hers, whatever gender suits the child better.

In some cases, "it" may be the suitable gender.
Hahaha. Okay. So, I was walking to the video store, when these two guys walking in my direction saw me. The first one said, "Look at this girl!" and the other one started laughing and said, "Pfft. Dark Tranquillity. I bet she thinks they're hardcore."

Were you giving them that endearing "Jolty SMASH puny humans!" look you have in the newbie-of-the-year picture?

How interesting. Apparently, enough people in this city have heard of Dark Tranquillity that a few people even dislike them.

Maybe there is some sort of silly teen "hardcore" scene in your town, and they've defined what's hip and what's square, DT falling in the latter category although not necessarily as a consequence of repeated listenings and unbiased evaluation. Another ten years down the line and I'm sure Dark Tranquillity will achieve Divinity of Metal status for similarly incomprehensible reasons.

Most people here who have heard of Dark Tranquillity do like them, though. I've had a few people scream, "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH" at me out of their car windows when I'm wearing my DT hoodie. Haha. (That is actually really annoying, don't do it.)

I often wear DT shirts to concerts, regardless of the style of the bands playing, and I usually get at least one (positive) comment from someone younger than me. Then again, people older than me at said shows are probably like to be there because they're either lost or looking for the privy. Such comments are monosyllabic and involve complicated hand gestures. They somehow dissuade me from starting a conversation with one of my favorite ice-breakers, namely: "So, how do you think language philosophy features in post-Haven Dark Tranquillity?"
I think next time you see them, you should go and stab them in the neck
repeatedly with a #4 pencil. I have noticed that does the trick most times.

(I think it also explains my lack of recent posting)
Were you giving them that endearing "Jolty SMASH puny humans!" look you have in the newbie-of-the-year picture?

No, I think it was closer to a one-eye-closed, "OH FUCK! THE SUN BURNS MY EYES! I CAN'T SEE WHERE I'M GOING!" look.

Maybe there is some sort of silly teen "hardcore" scene in your town, and they've defined what's hip and what's square, DT falling in the latter category although not necessarily as a consequence of repeated listenings and unbiased evaluation. Another ten years down the line and I'm sure Dark Tranquillity will achieve Divinity of Metal status for similarly incomprehensible reasons.

We have a country scene. And a handful of metal bands. That's about it. :rock:

Salamurhaaja said:
I think next time you see them, you should go and stab them in the neck
repeatedly with a #4 pencil. I have noticed that does the trick most times.

I only have a #2 pencil. Will that suffice?
POD, thats a new one.... Anyhow, shouldnt POD sound like DT and not the reverse?

There is quite a lot of people in the metalscene today that dont like DT very much, I can totally understand that, but I really cant understand how u can refer to Korn as a better and more talented band....what the fuck. I saw a documentary about them not too long ago and they sound totally horrible live+ they have the most overrated basplayer ever. Are they just in general retarded in ur town or what?
I saw KoYAn live, back in the ninetees, and they sounded just like on the records. I always only liked their first two albums, yet when the untouchables was released and I considered it to be crap and never forgave them, plus I stopped listening to nü-metal altogether.
:lol: People who don't like the same music as you, well you just tell them these two simple words:

Eat Shit.

Because it'd be far more productive for them to infact swallow mouthfuls of fecal matter than sprew their ignorant opinion on someone who doesn't give a fuck anyways. It's almost laughable. Scratch that, it IS laughable. They diss DT then they refer you to Korn. That's like saying "Sex is for losers, but sticking your dick in a pencil sharpener is where the REAL fun is at"

Seriously. :lol: These are, I'm sure, the same people who get tattoos/piercings and think they're so hardcore as they walk down the street with their Fall Out Boy shirts on while listening to Killswitch Engage. Fucking pathetic.
What's that thingy with a band being 'hardcore' anyway? Well, at least they didn't say "true", that's something.

Dark Tranquillity.. Actually, it seems to me that most people still just don't know them. (Although I had a really nice evening in Catania once, when I was wearing my DT-shirt (and because of it). Here the story ends. :p)

@Salamurhaaja: *wave*!
I had a great day once, but I was wearing a therion t-shirt -- which makes this here post completely irrelevant.