How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

Welcome psychdoc, I'm new too, hope we'll enjoy here... So you'll hear "Projector" album after these 4 albums you've just bought. Well, it might be interesting :)
The Gallery.

A guy I knew shuffled this CD among others (Sepultura, Rhapsody, whatever else was in there) he gave me to listen... well, the rest of the stuff left me untouched :)

Many things changed since then (96-98?), including bands I listened to at that time as well as my musical tastes, but not my attitude to dt :) It was just getting better.

As cliched as it sounds, a few years ago I first heard Monochromatic Stains on a compilation called "Metal for the Masses." Thought it was cool, but didn't really like it. A few months later, listened to it again and fell it love with it. Bought Damage Done some time later and now I own all but Skydancer and OC&EN.
Around 2000 I started to see DT cds in the shops. But it was when Damage Done came out I took notice.

I became a "fan" in Busan, South Korea after seeing them live. One Thought was a preview track and it just blew me away at the time. Also, the band scored extra points when they went the extra mile to make sure as many people got an autograph as possible.
Downloaded a copy "...of melancholy burning" off of Napster right after it went live. It was labeled as a Children Of Bodom song, which I had been getting into at that time, but then I came to find out it was DT.

Went on a Napster rampage DL'ing all the DT I could find, then ended up buying all the CD's I could find in the stores. Good stuff man.

// Mick from Waterford, MI. USA
a friend of mine gave me a lengthy tape (yes, that analog creepy thing from the 80's and early 90's ;) ) with The gallery and Jester race on it, saying that "if i liked at the gates i should have checked out those two bands".

at first i was totally disappointed with it, wondering what does ATG have in common with DT and IF.
they were too melodic for my angry ears ;)
but then i accidentally listened to hedon in his car stereo and that's when i fell in love with DT.
In a (now not so) foolish iTunes music store spree I picked up Character and suddenly understood exactly why DT had been pointed out as the embodiment to melo-death. My housemates heard from my room soon after purchasing it:

'Arghhh! The epicness! It's Astounding! THE EPICNEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!'
I guess i was looking for some heavier bands and was starting to like in flames and most in flames fans mention DT so i looked on metalreviews and read the review of the gallery. The description of Punish my heaven intrigued me so i downloaded it and was stunned by it, its still my favourite DT song. I now own all DT albums.
Met Stanne and Henriksson in a pub in gothenburg 2005. They told me they have a band and they make some awesome music. This is how I came across them.

But I was listening to their stuff since 9 years earlier:
Friends of mine were very much into the gothenburg-sound and I had no clue about this back in 1996. Borrowed The Gallery and taped it. Listened to it and loved it. Since then they are one of my favourite bands.
I was 13 in 2001, and all into Slipknot and Korn and whatnot, and I was looking for music to download because I just got CABLE INTERNET for the first time. I somehow discovered two bands called Dimmu Borgir and Six Feet Under, and that is where it started, although I didn't really "notice" death metal until I heard Don't Care by Obituary on Much Loud. (Canadian music channel's "metal" program.) This song caused me to fall in love with the genre, and actively seek it out. Through, I stumbled across a band called Dark Tranquillity, and from there I discovered the rest of the music that I like. If it weren't for Dimmu Borgir, Six Feet Under, Obituary and Dark Tranquillity, my life would be musically bleak.
This is actually one of my favorite, and odd, stories when it comes to music. I was 15 or 16 and was attending a Creative Writing class in high school. One of my better friends in there was a metal-head (Children of Bodom was his favorite band - just F.Y.I). At this point, my favorite band was probably Lamb of God, and I was just getting into In Flames (Colony & Clayman). We got to talking about metal one random day, and he mentioned seeing a cool video for the new Dark Tranquillity song on Headbanger's Ball or Fuze or whatever - some metal show - and that he got the new album and it kicked ass. I didn't know it at the time, but the video was, of course, Lost to Apathy, and the CD was Character. I asked him for a copy *cough hack cough cough* in exchange for a CD I was already making him. I had no prior knowledge of the band, had never heard a song by them, and had no idea what genre, style, lyrical content, whatever. I was completely in the dark. It was an unusual gesture from myself because I take my music so seriously, and usually find out all I can about a band while or before I get a CD. In this case, I just did it - Fate, maybe? :p A few days later I had my hands on Character and have never looked back.

*swoon* I love this music.
I think I just kinda stumbled upon them in metal magazines and by being friends with some people who were very much into DT at the time. Took me some weeks of repeated exposure and since then I've been an avid fan.
Well to be totally honest I downloaded Damage Done off a "Recommend me metal" thread on another forum. I listened to it for most of my morning "Applied Tech Support" course which involved me sitting in the back being bored listening to my MP3 player. But anyways 2-3 hours of listening to Damage Done with a big fucking grin on my face the whole time lead to me going to the local record shop after class and purchasing Character, Damage Done, Haven and The Mind's(was the only albums they had on hand there).

So a blind download of a CD from a band I had never heard of before turned out to be one of the greatest things ever really :D
it was 3 years ago, in november 2004, right after world of warcraft came out... I had named my character Moonshield, after the in flames song, and i met a fellow player who recognized my name... we started talking about metal, and he asked me if i had heard of Dark tranquillity or Soilwork. I then went out and bought damage done, and havent looked back since.
Totally forgot, either i was into COB, Arch Enemy, ATG or In Flames and i got into Melodeath. Eventually somewhere i found DT and they've become my favorite:headbang: