it has nothing to do with matter of opinions
for example, you cant say korn is BETTER MUSIC than DT
if you do, you know nothing about music
you can prefer one band, but you know the music is not as good, as difficult or whatever.
I prefer DT over ....dunno..Dream Theater.. but I know they are virtuous, their music is way much better than lots of metal bands. The level of difficulty is very high.
Or you can prefer any metal band (or nu metal or punk or whatever) but you know and accept that j.s. bach is way much better composer and the skills to play must be higher.
nothing to do with opinion.
It is like if you like rap over any kind of music and say its better music than metal or rock or progressive ... then u are blind (or deaf) and a jerk

it has nothing to do with opinions.
and when i said they feel like true metalheads i was talking about what they said to eachother: "i bet she thinks they're hardcore"
they felt like this girl had no rights to listen to DT (IMO they did like DT) because she was some kind of "poser" and dont even know the band.