I support the American Family Association

Mar 20, 2006
aka The American Taliban.


Wal-Mart has turned aside a massive letter-writing campaign by the American Family Association urging the retailer to refuse to stock Brokeback Mountain, being distributed by Universal Home Entertainment. The group, which has successfully campaigned against what it considers to be broadcast indecency launched the campaign last week after ads for the film began being displayed prominently in the retailer's 3,900 stores. In an interview with today's (Tuesday) Los Angeles Times, the AFA's Randy Sharp, accused Wal-Mart of helping to push the "gay agenda" by "trying to help normalize homosexuality in society." He added, "But how many copies are they going to have to sell to [recoup] the losses of customers who they've offended and will no longer shop at Wal-Mart?" But a Wal-Mart spokeswoman replied, "The fact that we are offering the movie is not an endorsement of the content of the movie or any specific belief. ...We simply offer the latest titles that consumers want."

How dare Wal Mart carry a movie that the patriotic American Taliban doesn't like. The commie liberals will tell you that if conservatives are offended by Brokeback Mountain, then they don't have to watch it or buy it at Wal Mart.

No, that's completely wrong. We must dictate to stores what to sell and what not to sell, and everyone must abide by our standards. Homosexuality is abnormal, even though it's been a part of human society for thousands of years and occurs in nature.

If only all Americans supported the AFA/American Taliban.
Ah, Walmart the saviour for poor blacks, rednecks, and dumb fuckin christians. But hey where else can you find tube socks for so cheap? ALso, They should have an aisle for large crucifixes.......
ZeeZooZum said:
Ah, Walmart the saviour for poor blacks, rednecks, and dumb fuckin christians. But hey where else can you find tube socks for so cheap? ALso, They should have an aisle for large crucifixes.......

Word, I mean..when I need some boxesr at 2:35am..Walmart is the ONLY place to go!

Its funny though, these people who want brokeback mountain taken off the shelves, would probably shit if you tried to take their guns away, or if you told them that their magic guy in the sky that they worship was a gay cowboy they would shoot you in the face. More "Ill be a Xian when it suits me" people.

But of course they see nothing wrong with it. Who cares, its a gay cowboy movie, dont buy it or watch it!