I survived school!!

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive
Okay, i know i'm kinda drunk right now, but i've just got back from my end-of-year dance. you know what? I really am gonna miss them. okay, some more than other and one more than any but still. It was a great night. I now have only two more things to do then i have completely finished with schoo! It feels so good! or at least i'm sure it would if i didn't have this fucking thumping head, numb feeling in all my limbs and the room wasn't spinning. but it was a great night. and please, emphasis on this fact:

I survived school!

I feel so happy"!!!!!!!! Again, probably contributed to by the alcohol, but still! :D
I felt just like you after my prom dance, we went to a nightclub, and I drink all that you could imagine (orf at least, what I could imagine :lol:), then I had to go to some friend's house because I couldn't even walk to my house! I puke on the cab, and then sleeping on my friend's bed! at 10 am I was cleaning the bed's carpet!
Now I miss some of my friends, but now I have more at the college. the only thing you should do is to keep on touch with your friends until college gets harder. Now I barely see them
I have contacts for the people that i really don't want to lose contact with. to be honest, though, most of my close friends are in the year below me. My year had very few metal fans, only 3 of us. The year below me has a lot more so i kinda got to know them. but there are lots of people in my year i DON'T want to lose contact with. I will try to keep in touch, but it won't be easy because i'll be quite far away next year. :(
don't worry about the grammer. I don't think mine is especially good. ;)

Yes, i plan on going down to durham (which is about a 2 and a half hour train journey away from me right now) to study physics. Of course, my aim is to form a band and become some kind of rockstar (not so much a star, but a musician). I love playing guitar so much that all i want to do with my life is to play guitar for people, whether i end up playing gigs of 100 000 of 10.

What about you? You said you're in college, so what are you studying?
nice one that you got into Durham! i applied to study English Literature and Philosophy there but they wouldnt have me :( nevermind eh!!

i dont speak with hardly anyone apart from my two best friends who went to my school, people i lost touch with have now either moved abroad or are just on completely different wavelengths to me, im so glad i stayed in touch with my best friends though, we've been best friends since we were 3 years old so it would have been a real if we'd have lost touch.

hope all goes well for you at Durham :)
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
don't worry about the grammer. I don't think mine is especially good. ;)

Yes, i plan on going down to durham (which is about a 2 and a half hour train journey away from me right now) to study physics. Of course, my aim is to form a band and become some kind of rockstar (not so much a star, but a musician). I love playing guitar so much that all i want to do with my life is to play guitar for people, whether i end up playing gigs of 100 000 of 10.

What about you? You said you're in college, so what are you studying?

I don't know how to say it, but I'm studying "Civil Informatic Engineering", or something like that... related to computers and stuff. This is my first year and i have already failed math!:cry: i don't have studying habits, and I ust have it!
I like physics a lot! the part i liked that I studied at school was related with this formula: (1/2)mVE2+ mgh = (1/2)mVoE2+mgho. The Law of the Energy Conservation.
My fantasy is to play on a gig for 500.000 people!!! Of course, playing music that I like.
jenfa: I was accepted at druham but i need to get an A and 2 B's this year. Not so easy at advanced higher (the equivalent of A-level, roughly), but i'm reasonably confident. :)
Durham is a lovely place, although there is NO alternative music scene there whatsoever. I found 1 music shop that sold cd's i'd consider buying. :(

and chileanmetal: my fantasy is to jam with slash, then play a gig with brian may and dave murray. i'd be totally outclassed, but i'd love to do it.
hey alot of people i know said that Durham was kinda boring, i know someone who went for a year and then came back to leeds cos she said there was nothing to do there, anyway hope it all goes well for you, im not surprised i didnt get in though what with it being a red brick uni and all that, i totally fucked up in my a' levels last year so i completely blew my chances of getting in anywhere, but nevermind, im gonna go back to college or do something in the near future i think, i cant see myself working at GE Capital fo the rest of my life!!

good luck with stuff :)
Originally posted by Eclipse
civil engineering? wow, tough shit. I wanted to do a similar program, but wasn't motivated enough to study for my entrance exams. The result is that I took on Industrial Engineering and a minor in Economics. (bit easier ;) )

yeah, It's really hard, and my university is the hardest! the giggest problem in my university is that there are like 100 women over 3000 students!! and no babes!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Economics! Uf! I think that's hard! I hate it, and i have to study it on 4th year.