

...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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Well school starts tommorrow.... I'm too pissed about it! This is a very pointless thread but oh well. Just wondering when school starts for everyone else whos still in it, and what grade your going in. Im going to be a big sophomore, yay, I feel all growed up! The lack of sleep is what always gets me with school, the work is no sweat but sleep is the biggest problem. What do ya'll hate about school? Ok just trying to figure some shit out, talk to you later.
I still have a couple more weeks before school. I will be a Senior. Sleep is also a huge problem for me especially at the beginning. All the other years have gone by fast so hopefully this one will be no differant. I am ready for college.
Starts for me next Monday, I have a week of freedom left (I'm gonna be a sophomore too). Yeah the lack of sleep really gets me, I usually sleep an hour in school (Take various naps in certain classes). I recommend finding a nice slack class used especially for sleeping purposes, I had health last year and I could finish my work in there in twenty minutes and then sleep for over an hour. What I hate about school is the stress, I'm bad with organization and homework. If I have homework I don't do it at home, I try to finish it during lunch and in freetime of certain classes, this is really stressful if you have multiple assignments. And I am so unorganized I can't ever find what I need in under ten minutes. And I'd say the thing I hate most about school is math, after failing algebra I twice (no, i'm not an idiot in everything just math) I had to take summerschool this summer. I failed math because I cheated on my homework causing me to fail the tests, so guess how I got done with summerschool fast, cheating! I know that wasn't the best move since I have to take another math class this year, fortunately I signed up for an idiot math class (Liberal Arts). O and I hate summer reading, I have to do that this week, grrr. On a different note I am the only one that listens to good music at my school, everyone listens to Rap & Pop, if not those two they listen to sellout metal such as Limp Bizkit and The Deftones.
Hey Oyo, good luck with the summer reading. I had to read Mythology this summer and do 15 reader responses, and 9 essay questions on it :( that was a pain in the ass!! Its good to have another youngin in the board here, I am 15, and you? I know how you feel about the music issue, I am the only real metalhead at my school, that I know of. I go to a Magnet school (basically an enhanced school) so everyone is dorky. I don't usually have a problem with any of my work, I do best in Science and Math. I am very lazy and do work at school like you as well, I don't cheat or copy cause like in your case it leads to failing....
well i have to go back in september.. the first week i believe... i am going into 11th grade.... i read my summer book already.. took me 2 days.... im looking forward to school this year... becuase i have more metal shirts... and that means more criticism... and longer hair also... i cant wait !!!!! i love being made fun of becuase the offender usually ends up looking like a retard every time they try to make me look bad! its fun! school is easy anyway so basically its just like summer except its cold and i do nothing for 6 hours a day
Back to business school in three weeks...and I'm looking forward to it, as I recently got laid off from my summer internship and I hate being idle, regardless of how much money I have.

Unrelated aside to WF: Odd that you should use the Awake cover as an avatar, I was just listening to it today...
Just to piss y'all off...

I finished college this year, so this is the first year since 1985 that I'll not be in school! :D

Mind you, I'm now expected to get a career and become a real person. None of which seems at all likely. Make the most of your school years! You'll miss 'em.
I start my sophomore year of college on August 27th. I'm not looking forward to it at all. That will seriously cut into my leisure time and going to see concerts. Man school can suck sometimes, but it is much better than being stuck at some dead-end job all day.

N/P: Dream Theater-Scenes From A Memory