i think i am going to start tuning my guitars to G

Apparently the ESP Baritones stay in tune extremely well, even tuned down to an A, which I believe (correct me if I am wrong I am no guitarist) is not the case with normal guitars.
avi said:
you should get a baritone guitar and downtune that sucka. I'm actually surprised no metal bands I've seen use them.
I use a baritone... most of the time I leave it in B though. As far as tuning to G and F go... your guitar sounds like a freaking lawnmower. Im sure someone can make it sound ok but I cant.
I'm gonna have to agree that Chaosphere > Nothing. I'm really interested in hearing that new EP they're putting out next year, too (just one 20 minute track!).

Nothing probably does have the absolute heaviest guitar I've heard, btw.
Steve, you're stealing my idea! I was gonna do some recordings with my fender p-bass as the lead instrument (tuned up to C with supersoft strings) and my Musicman Stingray fretless tuned down to C. I think it could definitely have a neat sound!
I don't know...I think people tend to find Nothing to be less complex because it's significantly slower and focuses more on groove and bending riffs than really fast right hand cutting stuff like earlier Meshuggah.

To me Nothing is perfect...dense, brutal, and with a really sinister groove...Closed Eye Visual is the sickest song they've ever recorded IMO. Nothing is a very tough listen....I can hardly get through the whole album in one sitting...it's quite draining, but worth it.

The interesting thing about Chaosphere is that it was extremely rushed and Haake said that the drumming is the bare minimum...that if they had time it would have ben ten times more complex and chaotic..which is quite frightening.

either way....<3 Meshuggah

totally my favorite band on the planet.