I think I just *got* Periphery


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I dunno. I checked them out a while back, and wasn't really feeling it. But going through a bunch of Bulb stuff I had on my computer from his soundclick page, decided to check them out again ... and I'm just like ... wtf... I can't believe I didn't give this a chance.

So that's my Periphery story.
I was never really interested in the band until I bought the album to be honest. All those fanboy faggots just turned me off from listening to the band, but I figured seeing as how he's a member of several forum boards I frequent, I'd support his band and buy the album, so I got the 2 disc limited edition version.
To my pleasant surprise, the album ended up being one of the most creative and unique sounding thing I've heard in a while.
It's always a tie between Jetpack was Yes and the epic closer, Racecar, for best track off the album for me.
All New Materials is the only song where I think the presence of the vocals is questionable. I think it would have been cooler if they just left that as an instrumental track.
The song is so goddamn busy as it is, and the vocals just kinda make it a bit overbearing at times.
Jetpack Was Yes! however, I find it far less interesting without the vocals. The vocals during the chorus are really what elevates the song from being great to being truly awesome.
All New Materials is the only song where I think the presence of the vocals is questionable. I think it would have been cooler if they just left that as an instrumental track.
The song is so goddamn busy as it is, and the vocals just kinda make it a bit overbearing at times.
Jetpack Was Yes! however, I find it far less interesting without the vocals. The vocals during the chorus are really what elevates the song from being great to being truly awesome.

Yeah, it really goes back and forth with a lot of them, and I think a large part of it was having been SO familiar with all the material instrumentally that some parts we can't process with vocals and some parts when they magically work are just *that* badass.

Unfortunately, while the next album won't have the same problem of familiarity, I think it'll make even more apparent that Spencer is a terrible fit for that band, vocally, as all of my least favorite vocal parts on the albums are ones I hadn't already heard and liked from Chris/Casey.
Racecar might be the most epic piece of music in a 2009 album IMO. Rest of the album doesn't touch it.

The "I see light in your eyes!" backing vocals at the end are the only vocals that really touch me in the whole album, but it makes up for the rest of it.
Racecar is definitely the best song on the album IMO... and Jeff Loomis' solo on it is awesome.

I don't really dig the guitar tone, mix, or vocals too much, but I like a lot of the music.
Once I got over the initial "OMG FINALLY LISTENING TO AN ACTUAL PERIPHERY ALBUM OMGOMG" thing, I found that it was just the same stuff I'd been listening to for the past 5 years, only they all sound bored from having played these songs hundreds (if not thousands, counting practice) of times rather than it sounding fresh and new and exciting like all the demos do.
I look forward to the next album though.
I'll be brutally honest... I bought this CD the same day I bought the new Gaslight Anthem.

Gaslight Anthem gets a lot more plays than Periphery.

I have to agree with Gareth - I think, like a lot of others, it's because we're all so familiar with the songs from Bulb's SoundClick page. Hell, I remember playing some of those songs from 2+ years ago. That's not a knock on the songs or the CD, though. I think it was more like "Congrats to these guys, they're signed, they're on tour, that's awesome, let's buy the CD to support them" and then it went on the rack with all the other CDs....
I liked some of Bulb's songs but was never thrilled about it. The mix on the Periphery album though, is so much worse than the demos. The vocals fucking hurt, the drums are thin and the guitars are really bland. Bulb did some amazing work with the demos' mixes though :/

Eureka is a fucking incredible song, though.
Racecar might be the most epic piece of music in a 2009 album IMO. Rest of the album doesn't touch it.

The "I see light in your eyes!" backing vocals at the end are the only vocals that really touch me in the whole album, but it makes up for the rest of it.

The album was released this year mang, not last year :lol:
But yeah, goddamn, the "I see light in your eyes!" bit is fucking epic:headbang: