I think I know where NAD has gone . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

Think about it. 1996 is the only place NAD can truly be happy. 1996 is where NAD "found himself". Here's the evidence:

Pearl Jam
Machine Head
Morbid Angel

Should I go on? The guy is stuck in the early 90's. Now he has obviously found a way to go there forever.

Farewell NAD! If you come back, bring me some Doc Marten's.

All these "where's NAD" threads are funny because I still show up about once every other day. I haven't disappeared, I'm just like, busy and shit. Busy and farting.
I thought I was being relatively clever when I logged on a few minutes ago, saw a few 'Actually's, and changed mine to 'Actually Dill The Devil'. Then I saw Dorian's avatar tag. I seriously think some of you guys must have laptop computers with satellite internet access surgically grafted to your bodies to be on this forum so much - although admittedly, if my workplace hadn't blocked the site, I'd probably be more up on the fads and trends myself.
NADatar said:

All these "where's NAD" threads are funny because I still show up about once every other day. I haven't disappeared, I'm just like, busy and shit. Busy and farting.

busy and banging [your woman].
dill_the_devil said:
I seriously think some of you guys must have laptop computers with satellite internet access surgically grafted to your bodies to be on this forum so much.
hahaha i wouldnt be surprised.
anyway, my tag is superiorly humorous because people started saying they were "Actually [insert historical or literary figure here]" but I'm really the only person here who originally has a literary figure handle. Thusly, what I wrote was teh funnay.
NAD got it. i think.

I still need to read that book by the way, will soon hopefully. I ragged on Oscar Wilde pretty hard on this very forum but then thought "dude you read half a Wikipedia article on him, you obviously don't know shit" so there you go.
bwahaha how many times in your life do you get to say, "i ragged on oscar wilde pretty hard"? haha brilliant