I think i'm getting banned from UM


Aug 31, 2003
Because of getting into a fight with billy milano on his forum.

He was slagging Anthrax and their fans(again) and i just got tired of hearing him whine and bitch. So i responded.

haha, Sir Brett, :tickled: I don't think you'll get banned!!! you might get banned from his forum, that's the ultimate that can be done! and not much of a loss!!! :loco:

I'm with you, hang in tough! :heh: :D

*support* \m/
I went and replied to the topic so hang in there buddy!

Larf03 said:
Ok... So I heard about this thread from someone who's usualy very cool to interract with on another forum and I thought I'd check it out...

I thought that Scott Ian was a whiny bitch about the current state of the music business but that takes the cake! Billy, your arguments are both very subjective and incoherent. They are based on personnal frustration and worth about as much as the random cries of a kid having a tantrum... You go ahead and insult both ANTHRAX as a whole and all their fans around the world by saying very immature and incoherent comments about both parties.

About Anthrax being less popular than you circa "19XX" ...
So what man... Everybody gets to be prom queen at some point right? Anthrax was influencial... They were part of the "big 4"... But you wouldn't understand since none of your musical projects ever been considered as important right?

I hate pretty much everything you do... But I know people who like it to some extent and I've always respected that because they were fans of the music. Those people also like Anthrax and they hardly ever compare the two... Sure, some favor one over the other but that's a matter of opinion and there is no room for debate over opinion.. at least when dealing with relatively intelligent and rationnal people. Your statement are directed towards people who have done absolutely nothing more than liking some band's music... Descrimination is a very flagrant sign of mental weakness as it displays a person's closed mind...

I repeat what I said when I stated that I hate pretty much everything you do musically but I've always thought you were at least a bit marginal and open-minded... I guess I was wrong, you're not marginal at all... You stand right in the middle of the crowd and point fingers...

Now you can go ahead and ban me, which is what I suspect you will do... Or you can try to come up with an actual coherent objective answer which isn't something you have delivered in this whole thread.

Fred, heavy music fan from Canada, Still liking Anthrax music
MetalAges said:
Normally if it were unprovoked we'd have issues...but he called out a lot of people in that post so... hey, what can I do :)

thank you, dude. :)
Pyrus said:

This is awesome. All of Billy's bitches are jumping out to defend him. I think I'm gonna drop in on this argument once I'm less stoned than I am now.
I didnt see any of "Billys bitches" jumping out to defend him...as a fact, Everyone pretty much thinks it was a pretty fucked up thing to do...
Billy Milano is an idiot, I dont care for violent ignorant fucks like himself...
he is probbaly doing you a favor by banning you Brett...
you were strongly held to your opinions: dont feel bad about it: be proud!
and Anthrax rules still, thats sor sure!
we're with ya Brett!