I think my AD kit is dialed in finally!


Feb 6, 2008
I was horsing around with my guitar while dialing in my Addictive Drums kit mixer and at playback I was pleasantly not offended by this take... LOL no bass, just a guitar track and AD in Cubase. Tweaking the audio in Addictive Drums has been quite the learning experience! Thanks to all of you guys that have given me all the constructive feedback too!

I think they sound as if they were room-mic'ed. The kick needs more of the clicky sound, IMO. I'd move the mic more to the beater side. The snare sounds promising, but just a tad cracky for my taste. I think the biggest problem is the kick. Everything sounds extremely real, I think just a tad TOO real. It sorta sounds to me as if it was a VERY tight recording of a band jamming.
I think they sound as if they were room-mic'ed. The kick needs more of the clicky sound, IMO. I'd move the mic more to the beater side. The snare sounds promising, but just a tad cracky for my taste. I think the biggest problem is the kick. Everything sounds extremely real, I think just a tad TOO real. It sorta sounds to me as if it was a VERY tight recording of a band jamming.

How hard should I compress the kick signal? I have it set for a fast attack, medium release and 3.5:1 ratio. The dynamics start to dissapear with too much compression, IMO but I am new to the drum side of mixing. Thanks for the input. This has taken a lot of my spare time! way more than I ever would have thought, to tweak the sound.
Bring the kick up a lot. Put it right out in front with the snare. I would remove some of the reverb/room sound on the snare. Pushes it a little back in the mix, and I like mine right up front.

Sounds very realistic though.
hey McLowrey...try some limiting, sound maximizing first. might sound good
i like the kick sound, it's low in the mix, but i like it
what's up with the snare? it sounds like, electronic like something out of a techno kit