I think this is my best work yet. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Those guitars sound tight as hell. Whats your recording set up as far as interface, monitors, etc

Honestly man it's really basic. I just use a pod ux2 and have cheap m-audio monitors. My setup outside of my computer and Logic probably cost me like $300 bucks. Haha
Perfect for me :)

I love the guitar tone

What processing and other ?

Or presets ^^


In podfarm I'm running dual amp with a big bottom and a criminal. All I have is a high pass at 150 and that's it.

I feel like I'm going to need to boost some things and cut some frequencies to make this bigger. Just not sure where to go to get there.
holy shit
sounds fuckin good
would you mind posting the seperate guitar parts?
i just would like to listen to those bad boys!

Hey Man,
Thanks for the kind words! Can you explain what ya mean on this? Would you like guitars only?

Right now I have guitars doubled L100 L 75 R75 R 100 and then leads doubled at L20 R20

I'm nervous to post each track solo because you will hear how sloppy I really am! hahaha
Hey Man,
Thanks for the kind words! Can you explain what ya mean on this? Would you like guitars only?

Right now I have guitars doubled L100 L 75 R75 R 100 and then leads doubled at L20 R20

I'm nervous to post each track solo because you will hear how sloppy I really am! hahaha

dude nah
everyone is sloppy
even me

but just want to hear how your guitars sound solo'd
im working on my tone..and im not having very much luck :(
and i would also what kinda processing you used

sorry if im a bother
but this guitar tone im having with my amp and stuff is driving me mad :zombie::zombie::zombie::zombie:

p.s. if you dont feel that comfterble
Pm me your drop box link or however way you send files :)
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!

It's going to be a comeback kid / thrice style vocals. Not just screaming but still trying to hit some pitches and notes. I'm working on it now but not sure If I can do it well enough to be worth doing! haha

Thanks again everyone!