I think this is wrong and sad.

So what does that make the In Flames live album? :confused:

Why dont they just arrange the song a little differently when they play it live to avoid that?
Fuck! That's disappointing!

I know we're a little down about the tech problems we had when we were recording live in Tokyo - our guitars were cutting out all over the place so we're gonna have to do some studio overdubs to make the recordings usable...

That's NOTHING compared to playing along with your own damn CD live, though! *shakes head*

Being a big Soilwork fan, that's kinda sad!
Yes, but is it true? I'm sure some bands use samples and stuff during gigs, but I strongly doubt they just play along to the CDs...
That's bloody awful. A real copout.

At least Spawny's favourite band got a positive mention at the end though. :)
I was disappointed when I read that Kiss had keyboards doubling the guitars to clean up the sound on the Crazy Nights/Hot In The Shade tours, that's nothing compared to playing along with your CD live!!!
Mark said:
I didn't see any mention of Wickety Whack :confused:

Thats because they play all their stuff live man!

Nile... If theres a bigger joke in the music industry, no one has told me the punchline ;)
I have gotten the same lecture, but as soon as they start, I instantly put them onto my offical "stupid bastard" list, where they shall stay and rot for eternity. Nile is VERY badly produced noise. Spiffy heard my ranting about them and bought one of their cds (I have no doubt it was so he could argue how good they are and that I was mad) but even he didnt like it :D

I played it for my brother one night and he was nearly rolling around the floor laughing about it, it was pretty funny :)
Fear Factory used a lot of sampling and enhancements for their live sets, but it was mainly keyboard, double-tracking the guitars and some vocal overdubs. The thing with them was that they were actually double-tracking the guitar as it was coming through the PA. That's why they often sounded sloppy live. PLaying along with the CD so the live sound is "clean" is WEAK.
I still find this hard to believe, surely it would be more widely known? If its true though... As you said, WEAK!