I thought good singers were a dying breed?!


Nov 19, 2005
I might have just stumbled onto a pot of gold. This travelling Irish musician was in town and by a fortunate turn of events I ended up recording him.

I set up the mics and pressed 'record' and the guy simply blew my mind. He recorded 7 songs in 1 hour and only one of the songs needed a second take, and I'm talking 7 songs for which he recorded guitars AND vocals, simultaneously.

Here are some clips, no pitch correction whatsoever:
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

Not metal, obviously, but still awesome, IMO.

Hope you like it and feel free to share similar positive experiences of your own.
Not metal, obviously, but still awesome, IMO.

Then it probably doesn't need so much highs and high mids. There's nothing to cut through. ;)

Good singer indeed. It's nice to be reminded there's also real music out there from time to time.
Been wondering about that actually. I tamed the guitar in the previous mix but it didn't sit right with me, just sounded duller. Will have to fiddle with the highs/highmids some more I guess.
Yeah, I think the trick with kind of music is that you need to be able to close your eyes and feel like the singer and his guitar is in the same room as you.
Don't be afraid of it being dull, or at least dark, it is soft music after all. You'd be surprised at how dark some folk singers sound and how it is that relative lack of treble that makes the vibe.
Great singer dude!

I found this artist a few weeks ago, he's absolutely AMAZING! He's pretty local though, but have a listen to "Suffer No More" and "Carve Me" here https://www.facebook.com/davegerardmusic?sk=app_178091127385

Go easy on those high mids and highs, the ticket here is smoothness, darkness kind of vibe.

Just listened to that last clip, listen to those songs, it's still a bit too harsh and way too present
^ Yeah, cool songs but I don't dig the guitar sound at all. It's sounds too lo-fi and bathroom-y for me to perceive it as a realistic representation of someone playing a guitar in the room.

I like this one for example
but I feel it's a completely different vibe there that I'm not sure will fit these songs.
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I might have just stumbled onto a pot of gold. This travelling Irish musician was in town and by a fortunate turn of events I ended up recording him.

I set up the mics and pressed 'record' and the guy simply blew my mind. He recorded 7 songs in 1 hour and only one of the songs needed a second take, and I'm talking 7 songs for which he recorded guitars AND vocals, simultaneously.

Here are some clips, no pitch correction whatsoever:
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

Not metal, obviously, but still awesome, IMO.

Hope you like it and feel free to share similar positive experiences of your own.

Reminds me of Damien Rice... good stuff!:kickass:
Cheers guys, thanks so much! I didn't mean for this thread to be a rate-my-mix kind of thing but I'm sure not complaining.

Glad you're digging his music too. I really wish he gets more recognition but he's such a nice down-to-earth guy it doesn't seem like he's that interested in making it big. Don't know if and how I should convince him to promote his stuff more. He seems happy touring across Europe. He said next stop is Croatia, then Germany and the Netherlands.
really digging his stuff, and 7 songs in one hour is fucking great!

some people are jsut talented, I started writing some accoustic stuff, recorded everything
as shitty as possible for most of you guys on here (so as good as possible for me) and she
sang to it at home with a cheapass headset into her pcs stock soundcard.


I know she's out of tune a few times, especially the first word, but it was the first time she
was ever recorded (and recorded herself with a cold) and she wasn't really singing before,
imho it's pretty good.
She's taking singing classes right now from a pretty good teacher and got way better, still
waiting to record her with a good mic in a better place the next time (and using a better
guitar :D )
Awesome singer and great songs. Post a link when the final thing is done so I can buy it!

I think there's a little too much presence on the guitars and just not enough on the vocals. Also you really really really need a nice reverb for the vocals. Listen to your reference video, it's got a killer verb that helps everything space out, your vocals are too dry.