I Thought I Knew What Provocation Was

I think he is just referring to adversity, more to the point, just when you think you've seen it all, something else hits you, and you are like "what the fuck, i thought i'd seen everything, now this." *this* could be anything. for me *this* would be my last g/f
Interesting concept...what does everybody else think?

Originally posted by TD
I think he is just referring to adversity, more to the point, just when you think you've seen it all, something else hits you, and you are like "what the fuck, i thought i'd seen everything, now this." *this* could be anything. for me *this* would be my last g/f
Well, I would tend to agree with what Ty said. Like, "I thought I knew my limit (of what will piss me off and what I can brush off), but this (whatever "this" is, different for every person) SERIOUSLY PISSES ME OFF AND I'M NOT QUITE SURE WHAT TO DO NEXT. Does that make sense or am I babbling again??

Sorry, my DOS prompt is being a Billy...uh, I mean, BITCH.
"I thought I knew what provocation was...."

I think it refers to finding something new that motivates you harder and more profoundly than anything before has. Something has "Provoked" him whereas, what he thought "Provoked" him in the past does not even compare........

The song then follows with:

"I've eaten from the insane root that imprisons reason....." dadada dadada dada duh duh dug duh..... "It's in my stomach like fire, in my stomach like cancer, in my stomach like a knife, I've been GUNSHOT!!!" (This is my tag line by the way......)

Its all about being faced with a situation that has made you more passionate about achieving a goal, rectifying the situation, or doing what you can to right a wrong.

Deep shit...........(John Fucking Bush!!!)