An incident which happened at college yesterday

Another incident happened when I was on a bus. I was provoking/pwning this man as he was attempting to make fun of me, he wanted to get off and fight me but I didn't ablige.
hey profanity:

the other day I stopped at Popeye's Chicken for some spicy cajun food and as I pulled into the lot I saw a big fat woman getting out of her car and I knew she was probably going to deplete the whole place of digestible food products so I parked crooked and ran to the door and got there ahead of her because she was breathing hard with the exertion of having to walk twenty feet and so I got my food and all the while I could feel her beady porcine eyes burning twin holes into my back as she was no doubt gushing saliva at the thought of chicken wonderful chicken and as I got my food I sneered at her secure in the knowledge that the food gods were smiling upon me and my swift feet.

that is all.
Profanity said:
At college yesterday I decided to provoke the 2 hardest people in my class.

I bet the mirror meets a lot of people who like to beat the shit out of your kind.
Atleast, that's what the mirror shows in the places where i fight my battles.
I hope for fuck's sake,
their hate never grows bigger then your thirst for competition.
yea know, i'm not defending Profanity, but even though his story is stupid, his point is quite clear, being that it takes a man to take a beating. i agree on this one.

however, the fact that you chase women and men around your campus makes you a poopy head.
AnvilSnake said:
yea know, i'm not defending Profanity, but even though his story is stupid, his point is quite clear, being that it takes a man to take a beating. i agree on this one.
I believe he meant it in the dumb macho-man can take pain because he's a real man kind of way. Not the, it takes a real man to walk away from a fight kind of way.
Profanity said:
At college yesterday I decided to provoke the 2 hardest people in my class.

The first one(Ben) was someone who wasn't in for his original exam so he had to go into a room on his own to do it last lesson and while he was doing so he was cheating by having his textbooks in front of him. I tried to stop this from happening but failed. The provocation started when he found out last lesson that he had failed. I laughed and said "haha, you still failed even with the books in front of you, what a dumbass". He then gave his threats saying things like "you're gonna get decked, you better stop" but I didn't. I carried on provocing by drawing on his neck, pushing him and laughing at him. He eventually gave me a hard punch round the chest to which I replied "After this lesson, i'll be waiting for you".

Then after the lesson I saw Greg and his girlfriend walk passed and Greg's girlfriend absolutely hates me so I thought to myself "what a good opportunity".

I pursued them and they tried running away, I ran after them. The guard stopped them but he didn't stop me, Greg then turned round and punched me in the stomach. The guard saw this and we all fled in different directions.

Provocation and being able to take a beating is a real masculine trait. Anyone can deliver punches but to be able to take them takes a real man. Discuss.

The valor you profess about taking a punch is negated by the fact that you purposely sought out the physical confrontation.

Trying your best to bring about a conflict and then taking the punishment for your actions doesn't make you a real man... but it might be a clear indicator that you're a masochistic ego-maniac.

Ahh, overcompensation for emotional insecurity at its most ridiculous.