I thought I'd heard it all.......

Officer Friendly

Mar 9, 2004
I was reading blabbercrap when I ran across this quote from Lars.....

" '... And Justice for All' is one of the cornerstones of the band's career. But next to it, 'St. Anger' sounds like 'Dark Side of the Moon'. It'll be interesting to see what people think of the record five or 10 years from now. There are people who think it's just a little ahead of its time."

Dark Side Of The Moon? OMG. Now I've heard everything.
So when a record tanks, it has to be "ahead of its time" and
not because it's a blatant System of a Down copy and nobody likes it?

Sorry Lars, I have DSOTM and St. Wanker is no DSOTM.
WHAT THE FUCK FOR CHRISTS SAKE! I had some respect for Lars BUT NOW THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Comparing PinkFloyd's Masterpiece Dark Side of The Moon with St. Anger? WHAT THE........ARRRRGHHHHHH! This is frustrating. I like metallica, but this is IT!!!! Even after getting a negative respone, this band is not able to swallow their pride and go ahead. Wow, and then lars compares it with DSOTM. If this is not the sign that shows the end of metallica what the hell is it?
Lars is so lame..... my god.
he'll say anything to make himself sound clever.

obviously that album stinks, and he knows that.
what will happen in 5-10 years?
nothing Lars!! no one will even remember you, thats what.
What about this rediculousness?

"METALLICA's concert trek is a follow-up to last year's "Summer Sanitarium" stadium tour with LINKIN PARK and LIMP BIZKIT."

"We just about scraped even," Ulrich said of the money-losing tour. "With stadium tours, you do them for the vibe and because they're fun and because it's summer. The idea was to get some cool bands together and go out and have a good time. It had an old-school rock-festival vibe. But unless you're like the ROLLING STONES and can charge a fortune for tickets, you don't go out on a stadium tour to put your kids through college."

Selling tens of thousands of tickets to each show ranging from 55-85 a piece, and they 'just about scraped even' That sounds like total bullshit to me. It's even more bullshit that he says that paying 90 for a ticket isn't a 'fortune' and that doing stadium tours won't put your kids through college. OMFG does he realize that half the world's population lives off less than $2 a day??? I'm sure he could put my college through college.
Testament, touring Europe each summer, must do OK, along with other Bay Area bands who can (DA, Exodus...) We pay from $15 to $30 for tix here for a straight-up metal gig, what would I pay in Europe for a Testament show at a club (not a festival?)
Officer Friendly said:
I was reading blabbercrap when I ran across this quote from Lars.....

" '... And Justice for All' is one of the cornerstones of the band's career. But next to it, 'St. Anger' sounds like 'Dark Side of the Moon'. It'll be interesting to see what people think of the record five or 10 years from now. There are people who think it's just a little ahead of its time."

Dark Side Of The Moon? OMG. Now I've heard everything.
So when a record tanks, it has to be "ahead of its time" and
not because it's a blatant System of a Down copy and nobody likes it?

Sorry Lars, I have DSOTM and St. Wanker is no DSOTM.
Inflated Ego=Insipid, self serving comments. I'm really waiting for the day he refers to himself in the third person.

Anyway, poor production does not always equal a bad release. That's really up to the listener. Problem is St. Anger is unlistenable. Ten years from now I'm sure it'll still be unlistenable unless someone fixes it.... And it's no Dark Side of the Moon.
soilkane said:
What about this rediculousness?

"METALLICA's concert trek is a follow-up to last year's "Summer Sanitarium" stadium tour with LINKIN PARK and LIMP BIZKIT."

"We just about scraped even," Ulrich said of the money-losing tour. "With stadium tours, you do them for the vibe and because they're fun and because it's summer. The idea was to get some cool bands together and go out and have a good time. It had an old-school rock-festival vibe. But unless you're like the ROLLING STONES and can charge a fortune for tickets, you don't go out on a stadium tour to put your kids through college."

Selling tens of thousands of tickets to each show ranging from 55-85 a piece, and they 'just about scraped even' That sounds like total bullshit to me. It's even more bullshit that he says that paying 90 for a ticket isn't a 'fortune' and that doing stadium tours won't put your kids through college. OMFG does he realize that half the world's population lives off less than $2 a day??? I'm sure he could put my college through college.
I'm pretty sure his definition of "scraping by" and ours are totally different!

Mine is gathering quarters to get gas. His is thousands for another toy. He's out of touch. Or touched. Either or.
HemiGTX said:
Inflated Ego=Insipid, self serving comments. I'm really waiting for the day he refers to himself in the third person.

Anyway, poor production does not always equal a bad release. That's really up to the listener. Problem is St. Anger is unlistenable. Ten years from now I'm sure it'll still be unlistenable unless someone fixes it.... And it's no Dark Side of the Moon.

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Hemi, You friggin Rock.
soilkane said:
What about this rediculousness?

"METALLICA's concert trek is a follow-up to last year's "Summer Sanitarium" stadium tour with LINKIN PARK and LIMP BIZKIT."

"We just about scraped even," Ulrich said of the money-losing tour. "With stadium tours, you do them for the vibe and because they're fun and because it's summer. The idea was to get some cool bands together and go out and have a good time. It had an old-school rock-festival vibe. But unless you're like the ROLLING STONES and can charge a fortune for tickets, you don't go out on a stadium tour to put your kids through college."

Selling tens of thousands of tickets to each show ranging from 55-85 a piece, and they 'just about scraped even' That sounds like total bullshit to me. It's even more bullshit that he says that paying 90 for a ticket isn't a 'fortune' and that doing stadium tours won't put your kids through college. OMFG does he realize that half the world's population lives off less than $2 a day??? I'm sure he could put my college through college.

From a business standpoint, I bet they did barely scrape even. I'm sure
the tours production costs and operating expenses were very high. Large tours
mean lots of workers and if there are unions involved than there are union
expenses to coincide I'm sure. There are expenses to pay for equipment,
truck rentals, insurance, licenses, fees, etc, etc. On that end I'm sure they
scraped by. Then you have Agents, Managers, Lawyers, Accountants on the
business side. Everyone's getting paid. Metallica made money but I imagine
it's not on the margin they were forecasting.

Why are the ticket prices high?

So Metallica can compensate for everything I mentioned above so Metallica
can make some money for their personal bank accounts.

End of friggin story.
lol -
Who cares? I mean, why does it matter so much?
The amount of good bands out there with albums deserving a bold statement such as 'The next Dark Side of the Moon' is quite large, and therefore you should concentrate on those and not Metallica's last few offerings which are debatable to be complete piles of crap.
'Nuff said'

dom said:
lol -
Who cares? I mean, why does it matter so much?
The amount of good bands out there with albums deserving a bold statement such as 'The next Dark Side of the Moon' is quite large, and therefore you should concentrate on those and not Metallica's last few offerings which are debatable to be complete piles of crap.
'Nuff said'


Sorry Brummie. All due respect, but _THERE_IS_*NO*_ALBUM_ out there
that can get the DSOTM comparison.

There is _*ONLY*_*ONE* Dark Side Of the Moon.
soilkane said:
"METALLICA's concert trek is a follow-up to last year's "Summer Sanitarium" stadium tour with LINKIN PARK and LIMP BIZKIT."

"We just about scraped even," Ulrich said of the money-losing tour.

Did I just hear "Limp Bizkit" and "Money Losing Tour" in the same post?
Officer Friendly said:
From a business standpoint, I bet they did barely scrape even. I'm sure
the tours production costs and operating expenses were very high. Large tours
mean lots of workers and if there are unions involved than there are union
expenses to coincide I'm sure. There are expenses to pay for equipment,
truck rentals, insurance, licenses, fees, etc, etc. On that end I'm sure they
scraped by. Then you have Agents, Managers, Lawyers, Accountants on the
business side. Everyone's getting paid. Metallica made money but I imagine
it's not on the margin they were forecasting.

Why are the ticket prices high?

So Metallica can compensate for everything I mentioned above so Metallica
can make some money for their personal bank accounts.

End of friggin story.

So why could they do the same type of shows for 50 bucks just a few years ago? Because they are bullshitters. I would be willing to bet they made a grand each for every show.
soilkane said:
So why could they do the same type of shows for 50 bucks just a few years ago? Because they are bullshitters. I would be willing to bet they made a grand each for every show.

They tour less now than they ever have. Maybe they want to play less and
still earn about the same amount.

Hmmm. Not a bad idea, is it?

I guess you didn't think of that.