It's getting busy at Elitist with yet another signing, this time from Hungary's Without Face. This board is the first to know 
Their debut album (originally released by a Hungarian label in 1999) has just been re-released by Dark Symphonies and is well worth investigating. I believe they sell it for $10 on their site ( Check out an MP3 at . I'd be interested in hearing peoples opinion on this band.
They start recording their new album next week, and by all accounts it'll be a stormer.
Lee B

Their debut album (originally released by a Hungarian label in 1999) has just been re-released by Dark Symphonies and is well worth investigating. I believe they sell it for $10 on their site ( Check out an MP3 at . I'd be interested in hearing peoples opinion on this band.
They start recording their new album next week, and by all accounts it'll be a stormer.
Lee B