I thought it would be interesting...


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
Alright, whether or not you've read it, my post about bodom fans got me pondering. Im curious as to just how we view one another (personal relationships aside) as Bodom fans and metalheads alike coming from all points of the globe. Do all you metalmaniacs in Europe (especially Finland for this specific example) perceive themselves to be more loyal as bodom fans because you've had closer contact to that scene? All of you state-side thrashers, how do you envision Brazil's (and Colombias) metal scene to be? And you crazy mother fuckers south of us, no one cares what you think anyways :Smug: :D (<--by the way, i love that face) I dont want this to pertain just to Bodom either, hence the off-topic board forum choice. post whatever comes to mind

If this, or something like it has been done before I appologize once again and as a disclaimer (because its become necessary) this is not meant to stir up deeply buried discrimination and hatred for others, but rather as a means of answering questions and hopefully stirring lively debate and discussion. And for those of you who think this is stupid/retarded/"gay"/etc., skip over it and dont dwell on it. It just seemed like a good idea to me.

"...all work and no rock makes Jack a dull boy...":headbang:
I personally have always loved the idea and the opportunity of interacting with people from all over the world. And I'd like to think the diversity helps in creating more pleasant environments and a better sense of community in metal fans. I never put anyone down for their individual tastes.. I mean after all, we're all here for metal.. it's why I always believe we shouldn't be getting into violent and offensive arguments about bands and things like that.. not to the extent that I've seen sometimes (in other boards.. not so much this one)
UM has brought me across some of the most interesting (and best) people that I've met; some in person, I'm happy to say.
For years I've participated in metal forums (where the users are almost exclusively from the U.S. ) and they were always ..ehh!! ..typical arrogance, stupidity, fighting, etc.. I don't mean to offend, but it's definitely the impression I had gotten in general.. and it probably was because they were more populated.
UM has always been ..special.
I guess I'm also a bit biased, since in general a lot of the bands I listen to happen to be Scandinavian.

I don't know.. how do Finns, for instance, get along with eachother in these kind of settings? Do you guys prefer international interaction?

Anyways, Brazilians and Europeans rule :kickass:

Hmm.. you know.. I don't think I've come across any other Colombians in UM..
I love the interaction between different backgrounds. Since I have been here (on UM)
I found it to be very enlightning. I don't think anyone is better then anyone else. Some have the great advantages of being closer to the scene. Those that don't will be there some day.

Type o's left intentionally. hehehehe
I love speaking to people of different cultures and stuff, it rocks.
And i dont give a fcuk where you're from, if you're cool, you're cool (this counts for music too, if yuo're cool i dont give a dick what you lsiten to)
NeedledWarheart said:
I love speaking to people of different cultures and stuff, it rocks.
And i dont give a fcuk where you're from, if you're cool, you're cool (this counts for music too, if yuo're cool i dont give a dick what you lsiten to)
Precicely why i wanted to start this thread. because even with that ethic, theres no doubt some curiosities that people will have, and i wanted a chance to bring that out.

Towo said:
It might be a generalization, but all metal fans I know are human. Thus, they are slightly handicapped
the truth is funny because, well, its true
dilema1362 said:
Precicely why i wanted to start this thread. because even with that ethic, theres no doubt some curiosities that people will have, and i wanted a chance to bring that out.

You mean like people asking if i wear skirts, blow bagpipes and eat haggis cause i;m scottish....:lol::lol::lol::lol:
NeedledWarheart said:
You mean like people asking if i wear skirts, blow bagpipes and eat haggis cause i;m scottish....:lol::lol::lol::lol:
You mean you don't?!!
'cause I've always pictured you walking around your home in a skirt all the time..
and blowing into some pipes every now and then for the hell of it.
I really like interacting with people everywhere. I have met a lot of cool people like this. I tend to listen to a lot of metal from Europe, but still like some home ground stuff, too! As far as I am concerned, if you are a metalhead, you have the possiblity of being my friend; I am very open to people, and loyal to them. I don't care what country someone is from; to me there is no such thing as "I'm a bigger fan than you because...!" I mean, sure some of us like some bands more than others but you see what I am getting at. I actually get that more here in the US. I have some friends who are in a black metal band who get shit from other black metal bands around just because they have short hair. That, IMO, is dumb! The funny thing is, the people who criticize their appearance actually said they really like their music, too! I don't care what you look like or whatever, a metal fan is a metal fan.

Sadly, sometimes being part of a 'scene' if you will, causes people to make assumptions. For instance, I do listen to a lot of black metal, and more for humor, on the webzine my portrait has me in corpsepaint. :D But, because of these things, some people assume I am some sort of "black metal elitist" that doesn't think "my music isn't for the likes of others." Totally untrue. Music is something to be shared; and if anyone whatsoever is ever interested in getting into any bands that I like I always whip them up a compilation cd or two. I did this on our zine's message board; I burned mixes of varied bands and sent them to people. At work this past week I got two of my co workers into Bodom, actually. :)

I never liked it when fans act all elitist; to me it's just childish. I never understood what these people are trying to prove. I see it on message boards all the time; I try to bite my tongue and not instigate but it still gets me peeved that people out there are ignorant enough to down someone for being a new fan, or for liking a band that they don't like.

What it boils down to is a metal fan is a metal fan, and we sould be together getting wasted rather than fighting about band A being better than band B and why fan C shouldn't listen to a band because they are 'new into metal'.

BTW...if anyone is indeed interested in hearing some varied metal(very much on the extreme edge), the offer goes; i'd be happy to mix up a comp for ya.
As far as I am concerned, if you are a metalhead, you have the possiblity of being my friend; I am very open to people, and loyal to them. I don't care what country someone is from; to me there is no such thing as "I'm a bigger fan than you because...!" I mean, sure some of us like some bands more than others but you see what I am getting at. I actually get that more here in the US
so fuckin true, and thats one of the things i was getting at. In the US, metalheads constantly bicker about whos the biggest fan of the better band, but part of it is that music plays such a huge role in peoples lives that they are the music they listen to (generalization.) Ive always listened to different types of music, and ive never really seperated myself from someone else based on taste in music. im friends with metalheads, punks, emokids, and preps alike. the only "fad" ive been known to disassociate myself with is the whole "mall goth" trend of kids who where big pants with strappy things, and all listen to slipknot/cradle of filth and hang out at HotTopic (mallgoth store.) i cant stand them because theyre annoying and hypocritical not because of who they are.

on being elitist, i cant say that im not, but i also am not an asshole about it. i may think your music sucks, but ya know what....it makes you feel something, and i cant argue with that. i argue in forums only to spark debate, and usually it works (sometimes it backfires and im the asshole)

and fenrir-what kind of "extreme end" metal are we talking about? im always up for new music
Fenrir13 said:
I really like interacting with people everywhere. I have met a lot of cool people like this. I tend to listen to a lot of metal from Europe, but still like some home ground stuff, too! As far as I am concerned, if you are a metalhead, you have the possiblity of being my friend; I am very open to people, and loyal to them. I don't care what country someone is from; to me there is no such thing as "I'm a bigger fan than you because...!" I mean, sure some of us like some bands more than others but you see what I am getting at. I actually get that more here in the US. I have some friends who are in a black metal band who get shit from other black metal bands around just because they have short hair. That, IMO, is dumb! The funny thing is, the people who criticize their appearance actually said they really like their music, too! I don't care what you look like or whatever, a metal fan is a metal fan.

Sadly, sometimes being part of a 'scene' if you will, causes people to make assumptions. For instance, I do listen to a lot of black metal, and more for humor, on the webzine my portrait has me in corpsepaint. :D But, because of these things, some people assume I am some sort of "black metal elitist" that doesn't think "my music isn't for the likes of others." Totally untrue. Music is something to be shared; and if anyone whatsoever is ever interested in getting into any bands that I like I always whip them up a compilation cd or two. I did this on our zine's message board; I burned mixes of varied bands and sent them to people. At work this past week I got two of my co workers into Bodom, actually. :)

I never liked it when fans act all elitist; to me it's just childish. I never understood what these people are trying to prove. I see it on message boards all the time; I try to bite my tongue and not instigate but it still gets me peeved that people out there are ignorant enough to down someone for being a new fan, or for liking a band that they don't like.

What it boils down to is a metal fan is a metal fan, and we sould be together getting wasted rather than fighting about band A being better than band B and why fan C shouldn't listen to a band because they are 'new into metal'.

BTW...if anyone is indeed interested in hearing some varied metal(very much on the extreme edge), the offer goes; i'd be happy to mix up a comp for ya.


I added you on AIM cause you seem awesome, lol
i like talking to otherpeople off of the board, on MSN AIM, Yahoo or ICQ. i talk to needled a lot, and lady of bodom, shes cool as shit, and i see seraphim on there everyonce in a while, On AIM i see heather, and i hang out with serge. . ., and i see rottondoll everyonce in awhile and i talk to kitty, i love it.
so fuckin true, and thats one of the things i was getting at. In the US, metalheads constantly bicker about whos the biggest fan of the better band, but part of it is that music plays such a huge role in peoples lives that they are the music they listen to (generalization.) Ive always listened to different types of music, and ive never really seperated myself from someone else based on taste in music. im friends with metalheads, punks, emokids, and preps alike. the only "fad" ive been known to disassociate myself with is the whole "mall goth" trend of kids who where big pants with strappy things, and all listen to slipknot/cradle of filth and hang out at HotTopic (mallgoth store.) i cant stand them because theyre annoying and hypocritical not because of who they are.

on being elitist, i cant say that im not, but i also am not an asshole about it. i may think your music sucks, but ya know what....it makes you feel something, and i cant argue with that. i argue in forums only to spark debate, and usually it works (sometimes it backfires and im the asshole)

and fenrir-what kind of "extreme end" metal are we talking about? im always up for new music

Hehe...some of my closest friends listen to stuff that I don't. But I have managed to turn on some of them to new music! I personally don't see the point in entering contests of "i'm a bigger fan! I own this many shirts and this many cds and vinyl and the underwear and glow in the dark Dimmu Borgir condoms"...If you like a band, you like a band. I remember just the other day at work a fellow of mine who's opened minded(she likes a lot of indie rock, oldies too even, but also like Emperor and Opeth a lot), I let hear Follow the Reaper and she totally dug it, even stealing the headphones away from my other friend who had them(and also liked it.) :D I don't make people "pass a test" before turning them onto music.

And sure there is stuff I think sucks and I let it be known. But like you; I'm also not an asshole about it. I mean, I say Limp Bizkit sucks rather freely :D

And as for the extreme end of music...everything from raw, old style black metal(Beherit, Sargeist, Darkthrone, and the like), to old-school death metal(Autopsy, Possessed, Death, etc), sick grindcore/death(Rotten Sound, Exhumed, Aborted, Leng T'che...Rotten Sound is from Finland, too and incredible), melodic black, brutal black, some other black/thrash(Aura Noir, Sarcofago), tech-death like Cynic and Demilich, Impaled Nazarene(dubbed at the relapse store 'the most punk-rock black metal band ever") even some strange industrial-black metal like Dødheimsgard. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course I have my supply of 80s metal I grew up with(Twisted Sister, WASP, all the oldies but goodies), and old thrash metal. I basically am a metal lover who tries to listen to as much good metal as I can, as well as expose others to it. If you want, I'll make you a mix of stuff that you are unfamiliar with and send it out.

I added you on AIM cause you seem awesome, lol

thank you sir. I shall do the same :D
niiiice. i would like a mix, thatd be great. if i could download music here at school, id do it myself, but my school has a firewall up so we get our internet shut off if theres any filesharing progs running on our comps.

i also wish i got a chance to chat with people outside the forum. but a) im sure people would realize that im bland and dont have much to say and b) noone likes me anyways :p
Well then, I shall prepare something for you. I'll try to mix up as much metal as I can. (I mainly listen to metal; my other music of choice is classical; I have quite a few cds of that, too. And occationaly a touch of industrial or just really weird sounding noise/jazz stuff.) But this shall be the metal mix full of varied bands. :D

I have a question for those who read the thread to get a better understanding of different view points from all over the globe.
What is your viewpoint/opinions/thoughts on homosexuality (in general) and towards gay marriage?

I ask because america tends to be very homophobic and heterosexist (the belief that everyone is or should be straight) and ive always been a firm believer in civil rights and equality of all kinds. I went to an all male, catholic highschool where everyone was very homophobic and i hated it but somehow i survived and it made me into the person i am....but often times i feel like the only metalhead who takes a firm stance on gay rights/racism/etc. what are your thoughts?
personally, it isn't my business if someone swings on one side of the fence or the other. I'm all for gay/straight/bi/either/or being able to do whatever the fuck they want.

I liked how a gay metalhead my friend told me about put it once: 'I don't know why other metalheads dislike us. We're enemies of the christians too!" :D

Seriously tho, I think it's bullshit the way they are treated, an asshole is an asshole no matter what gender you prefer or race you are. it seems to me the biggest asshole concentration lies in the upper class right-wing bible-thumping population.