so fuckin true. i give so much credit to rob halford. he had some serious balls to come out in a time that was even more closeminded than now."I don't know why other metalheads dislike us. We're enemies of the christians too!"
gays are treated horribly in america, i mean look at bush's attempt at passing a fucking amendment to ban gay marriage. BAN IT!! he wants to explicitly write hate into the countries most sacred of documents. that and the fact that everyone who supports it does so because of their religion. theres a reason that we have a seperation of church and state!! so shit like this doesnt even become a problem and waste time.
"'All men are created equal' unless youre black or gay."
assholes are assholes....good point, but you forgot a key element to that philosophy. Good people are good people no matter what. What your neighbor does after he gets out of his car and waves to you should be no problem of yours. let it be. to paraphrase dennis miller, "What does it matter how they get off? Those who get off are less likely to get off off-ing people"