I try, Lee Jackson sp-1000 power amp!

Is there anything in your life, besides the GP/SP-1000?
Occupation? School?

Heard of a guy, who would trade it for a JANNE-FX 100 Soundcard, maybe you find that.
Could be ok if I'd understand what the fuck are you trying to say. But yes, I'd like to shove my massive black cock up your ass, if that's what you mean.
omg this whole conversation reminded me of "the Italian man who went to Malta" and I'm laughing so hard. :lol:
omg I don't even speak English as a first language, I'm going to hell for sure but I can't even x)
dont make stopid tred if cant engleish sprechen? FURTHERMORE, this is NOT ebay, and IF someone here has the SP-1000 they WON'T fucking SELL IT. It's rare and epic.
Now go and buy the peavey 50 50, it's more common and better.
^ dude what's the point of putting up link of a preamp you bought ? That Preamp is shit and can't do metal without serious modding. Play some Cannibal Corpse with it jackass. Oh yeah No one is jelly because, you got old beated up piece of a crap. And yeah take some english lessons. Aaaannnnd THIS IS NOT EBAY !
I don't get it why he always write " I try" instead of "I search"...^^ Funny guy though. He didn't realize that everyone's annoyed of him and that barely somebody would help him. His gp-1000 threads were flamed a lot but it seems that he even doesn't care or he just don't get what the reason for the flaming was...
^ Even google translator couldn't make sense of that

Italian to English translation
avaz caz me that cum for me mu! ancestors knew? test'ad caz!
^ Even google translator couldn't make sense of that

Italian to English translation
avaz caz me that cum for me mu! ancestors knew? test'ad caz!

"Even my ancestors knew I would be a worthless faggot wasting money on shit, and sucking dicks for a job"?