I use 6 string guitars, passive pickups, standard tuning and 9s. Am I gay?

I played 12's in standard once, I think I was in need of a string change and they were the only ones sitting around, believe me, after you've done that everything becomes remarkably easy to play, not gonna lie, it hurt like hell on the fingers though.

I have played 9's but they always feel a bit light and I like bigger strings because when you're alternate picking you can dig in a bit more, I've settled on 10's at the moment.

On the rest, I'm now playing a passive axe in Drop D so not far off on the "gayness" front here.
Nope, not gay at all. You describe Paul Gilbert's (and a lot of other "shredder's") axe setup to the 't', and I don't consider that gay at all. (unless you ram it up a dude's ass that is) :D

Just noticed your join date is really recent. Welcome by the way.

Thanks man.

I'll be sure to use a Steinberger guitar if I ever become that way inclined. lol.