I Wanna See A Mermaid's Nipples


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Gotham City
Whenever U See A Mermaid They Will Either Have Long Flowy Hair Covering Up Their Nipples Or They Will Be Wearing Seashell Bras So U Never See A Mermaid's Nipples Except In The Animated Porn Where The Mermaids Are Sucking Cock. I Wanna See A Mermaid's Nipples Dammit!!!

"Dear Dante Oblimov: The first few times I heard this rumor I paid it no mind, but the more I've hear it, the more I've wondered... Do you believe there is any truth to the idea that the entire WTO Seattle anarchist uprising was actually staged by EVIL Starbucks to divert attention from the well founded accusations that their frothy latte foam is actually made from the milk of enslaved mermaids?
Signed: Jane Thane of Ohio. Dante Oblimov responds, Dear my Thane:
No, I do not believe this rumor. I believe it has been perniciously perpetuated by the enemies of ordinary people. It is the attempt of one evil to hide itself behind another.
Yes, you are quite right, it has been demonstrated beyond a doubt that EVIL Starbucks uses the milk of enslaved mermaids to make its frothy latte foam. However, the WTO Seattle demonstrations were no one's smoke screen - they were the real thing. What I do believe is that the rumor you are reacting to was started by a power even more heinous that Starbucks - possibly a WTO member, or possibly Nike or WalMart - in an attempt to move attention from itself by sacrificing one of its own kind.
I hope that clarifies things for you. Dante Oblimov. "
they're evil, when you're evil you have no need to follow logic.

who else is going to milk the mermaids, might as well be them!