come on everybody, tell him about the secret bottom!!!
andy sneap, collin richadson, tue madsen, Adam D. all use the secret bottom. It´s an Addon to your consol with the name : MAKE IT SOUND GOOD
After pressing the bottom you will get the andy sneap sound.
After Andy told Adam about it (in the mixing process from KSE) all the records Adam did sound so much better
here is the link
but it costs more then 1.000.000
Magic bottom? Do you mean button, or am I really supposed to have a hairy ass sticking out of the desk and squeeze it every half-hour?
Andrey, there's really no nice way to say this, so I'll be as quick as possible - too many questions, not enough practicing. The questions you're asking can't be answered as easily as you think they should be answered. If you come in with more specific questions (how to get more 'smack' on the snare, how to make toms sound bigger, how to get the ultimate no-mid typewriter kick with only two figs and a chopstick) you'll get a lot more.
As for the responses where people have been cracking jokes (which just happens around here)... coming in asking such basic questions with such expensive gear makes you seem... well, in English the saying goes 'more dollars than sense' ('cents', a smaller unit of money than dollars, and 'sense', knowledge or skill, sound alike, so this falls squarely in the category of 'puns', in the subcategory 'bad puns that shouldn't exist but describe so many people that we allow them to live'), so hopefully you'll start to see where we're coming from. You've mentioned experience and success with other things... metal isn't going to be that nice, so lube up and bite the pillow.
As for gear... you have enough. Buying gear can help some, but it looks like you have some nice, shiny toys already - if the day ever comes that the gear is holding your mixes back more than your skills, it'll be a long time from now, so quit worrying about that.
Finally... hinting or implying that people can't help you with something just because you didn't get the answer you wanted is a BAD idea. Not a bad idea or a Bad idea... a BAD idea, bordering on a FUCKING BAD idea. There is more information on this board than you seem to realize, so when you imply or say that 'you guys cannot help me' or qualify something with 'if you really can help me' you're just begging to have your shit ruined for the entirety of your stay here. It's already looking bad enough that you should stop posting with this name and abandon the account entirely, because for thousands of posts to come you'll be associated with a thread that is all but impossible to see as anything but a joke, so show a little more respect for people and don't try to weasel your way into things with shit like 'if you guys can really help me, give me the samples and plugin presets and fairy dust that'll make me sound just like someone who actually knows what the balls he's doing' or you will not get results that make you happy.