Sound for my Deathcore Band!

Wait, so you spent all that money on plugins that could have easily been substituted instead of mics and a nice interface?

That's your first problem...
Okay not to be a dick or anything but you want to make a very "professional" sounding album but you have no idea what your doing (mixing wise) how is that going to work? I mean in order to sound "professional" your going to need to know what your doing in the first place, and have some experience.
I think your going to have to just lower ur expectations and try to make the best sounding album that you can, but if you really want to make it sound "professional" then your going to have to pay big bucks and go to a professional studio.

But anyways just my 2cents didnt mean to burst your bubble haha

and yes there is bass amp sims such as Ampeg, Studiodevil, Mokafix bass rider(fav) for distorted bass, and a couple of free ones like basspreamp from 1st studio.

So yeah dude like many said in order to get that guitar tone you will have to get a good heavy bass tone too, and as far as VST drums i can only speak about slate EX and i love combining them with real drums but in your case u want to program them so i cant comment on that because i personally hate programed drums lol

this thread is unbelievable.

if you really want to make your album sound as proffessional as possible, sell all your legal plugins and start saving up and pay a PRO to record and mix it for you.

you clearly don't have a clue what you are doing, and the chances of you getting a sound like BMTH etc with your equipment/experience is as asymptotically close to 0 as you will get.

I agree with these two posts. You're not gonna grab a step by step guide and make a professional album in a month, that's insane, you're obviously starting from scratch and it will take years and lots of dedication to actually achieve a "professional" sounding recording, not to mention lots of money spent on gear, acoustic treatment, and other stuff. Maybe if you read up A LOT and check a million tutorials, you MIGHT be able to make DECENTLY sounding demo recording, but that's as far as anyone would go in such short learning time.

So yeah either pay a pro to record/mix your album, or put the album on standby for a few years until you really learn the craft
So you have no idea about what you're doing, no money for mics and a nice interface,
but you think you could get a better sound than that with your wave plugins?
Sorry-those recordings don't sound that bad imho (I only listened to the first song in the player)
and I don't think that you will get there that easy!
So you have no idea about what you're doing, no money for mics and a nice interface,
but you think you could get a better sound than that with your wave plugins?
Sorry-those recordings don't sound that bad imho (I only listened to the first song in the player)
and I don't think that you will get there that easy!

I agree, guitars are way too boomy and bassy, but in general it really isn't too bad, and I very highly doubt you could get something equal to that by reading up step by step guides and using waves. You need gear, and you need to know well your gear, how, when and how much to use your gear (be it plugins or whatever)
So you have no idea about what you're doing, no money for mics and a nice interface,
but you think you could get a better sound than that with your wave plugins?
Sorry-those recordings don't sound that bad imho (I only listened to the first song in the player)
and I don't think that you will get there that easy!

I agree, guitars are way too boomy and bassy, but in general it really isn't too bad, and I very highly doubt you could get something equal to that by reading up step by step guides and using waves. You need gear, and you need to know well your gear, how, when and how much to use your gear (be it plugins or whatever)
I really want to learn Audio Engeneering!
Could someone please say me how i have to get started?
And what i have all to lern?
And where i can learn it?! :confused:
jungs, ihr hattet mich ja angeschrieben.
ganz ehrlich : wenn ihr einen großartigen mix wollt, engagiert einen engineer in eurer umgebung, nehmt das zeug auf und lasst es von einem hier im forum mischen.
(z.b. von mir ;-) bitte denkt dran, wir mögen es hier nicht sonderlich gerne, wenn mit gecrackten plugins geprahlt wird.
also : entweder forum durchforsten und lesen lesen lesen . dann trial and error.
oder jemanden engagieren, der das kann was ihr wollt.

sorry, back to english :
guys, audio engineering is art. you cant just ask for what plugin to download to become chris lord alge.
please, read through some beginners tutorials, even get some books and dvds and learn.
or : pay someone who already did years of learning.
I really want to learn Audio Engeneering!
Could someone please say me how i have to get started?
And what i have all to lern?
And where i can learn it?! :confused:

Read through the "Production Tips" subforum.
If you have specific questions everyone here will always be glad to help you out...but noone can give you a step by step walktrough to a professional production :P

get started here
jungs, ihr hattet mich ja angeschrieben.
ganz ehrlich : wenn ihr einen großartigen mix wollt, engagiert einen engineer in eurer umgebung, nehmt das zeug auf und lasst es von einem hier im forum mischen.
(z.b. von mir ;-) bitte denkt dran, wir mögen es hier nicht sonderlich gerne, wenn mit gecrackten plugins geprahlt wird.
also : entweder forum durchforsten und lesen lesen lesen . dann trial and error.
oder jemanden engagieren, der das kann was ihr wollt.

Auch n guter Tipp ;)
But for example : "Widek" ... He also uses the POD Gx like I do,
is emulating his guitar sound with the TSE x30 plugin and the drums
with Steven Slate Drums.
Don't you think his Sound Quality is better then ours?

You're missing the point there, it's not about having a POD like XYZ guy does, or the TSE plugin to get the sound that XYZ has, it's about knowing how to use them. if you just plug a pod in and start playing, it will most likely sound like shit. AND, I don't know who Widek is, but I bet he has a great set of monitors and acoustically treated room for mixing, which you don't, and that's a HUGE disadvantage to making a great mix

Edit : How much would it cost to let someone out of this forum mix my tracks? :)

that can vary a lot, try checking the work of some guys around here and Pm them for rates if you like what you hear
If this is for real, I'm very, VERY confused as to why you have spent that much money on plug ins, when you could have just got some decent sounding recordings from a professional studio? Hell, even bought a nice interface with some pre amps and then paid one of the dudes on here to re-amp your guitars. Even that would be a start to getting a half decent sounding record.

But I have a feeling you spent the day on piratebay and really went to town. Don't just assume after reading this forum that as soon as you have SSD, Waves and Pod Farm your gonna Sturgis the fuck out of your songs.
the tone doesn't really matter on a budget :P

Big Mono Drumkit is free, the only full drumkit i know haha
buy Poise VSt for big mono...Or does it work with kontakt player?

For the guitars why don't you just use some acmebargig head & lepou lecab?

You can download DirectBass Free

First or all, get a real bass, it'll help loads.

For the drums you'd be better off using Superior Drummer 2, you won't get anywhere near professional with EZD DFH.
For the guitars, raise your pickups high, put on some new strings and play hard and somewhat close to the bridge. If you want a professional sound you should consider borrowing or renting, if possible, a Peavey 5150 (with a tubescreamer in front) : it's the amp that's used the most in the genre. If you're having trouble micing a cab, then you could use impulses afterwards, there are many great ones.

You probably don't have a clue how to use your pirated Waves plugins either for mixing or mastering. Read up on this forum. A lot. And try using those pirated plugins the least possible, because if you're not already good at this, they won't ever turn a mix from OK to perfect.

Steven Slate Drums would get you a good sturgis sound, but Superior Drummer 2 would give you more flexibility. I'd use both if I had the money to.

edit : oh, and welcome.

disagree with all of this...DKFH is pre-mixed and although we can all spot it a mile away being played in a car that's driving by outside our house...this kid will probably be super psyched on it.

trilian ownz pretty hard for deathcore bass, there's no way this kid will get a better sound with a real bass DI. run it through acmebargig BIG (free).

tse x30 with a tubescreamer in front (free plugin BTE audio vintage overdrive i think or something) and audition tons of impulses. maybe invest in recabinet?

also try all the acmebargig stuff and the nick crow amps, all of which you can find more than enough info on in the "impulses faq" sticky. read that entirely.

and the most important way you can ruin your mix is by trying to use all sorts of waves plugins you don't understand. trilian/BIG, impulsed guitars, and dkfh can make a super huge sounding mix with NOTHING but a built-in eq and one good master bus limiter. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED. don't waste your time searching for life-saving super plugins, they don't exist.
Even if this kid did pay for his plug-ins, which i doubt, I still have no respect after checking out that myspace. . . BTW, I've been on the forum for a few years, and have stil yet to have a pro sounding mix that I am comfortable mix, and i used to have a ton of UAD shit, and some really nice gear.
disagree with all of this...DKFH is pre-mixed and although we can all spot it a mile away being played in a car that's driving by outside our house...this kid will probably be super psyched on it.

trilian ownz pretty hard for deathcore bass, there's no way this kid will get a better sound with a real bass DI. run it through acmebargig BIG (free).

tse x30 with a tubescreamer in front (free plugin BTE audio vintage overdrive i think or something) and audition tons of impulses. maybe invest in recabinet?

also try all the acmebargig stuff and the nick crow amps, all of which you can find more than enough info on in the "impulses faq" sticky. read that entirely.

and the most important way you can ruin your mix is by trying to use all sorts of waves plugins you don't understand. trilian/BIG, impulsed guitars, and dkfh can make a super huge sounding mix with NOTHING but a built-in eq and one good master bus limiter. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED. don't waste your time searching for life-saving super plugins, they don't exist.

Actually I agree with most of what you said. However.

"Me and my band want to start recording our new album at home,
but as professional as possible."

You won't get a sound as professional as possible this way. It will sound good for sure if it is well mixed (but I doubt it'll be the case; especially with MIDI bass which is in my opinion way more difficult to sound good and realistic than with real bass, even the cheap ones), but nowhere near pro in my book.