I want a new interace (for drumrecording)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
It's time to make the jump to real drums in the near future. I want at least 10 i/o, up to 16 would be perfect so I can mic up a drumkit with 5 toms. I want to invest my money into good gear which means I would spend up to 3000€ (max!). This time I don't want to pay twice because I buy crappy gear. Right now I'm using my Edirol Fa-101 with 2 mic pres, 6 i/o on the back and optical i/o.

I was thinking of connecting two RME Fireface 800 but I would still need to buy mic preamps to have enough channels (would be 8 mic pres + 2 pre's from my fmr rnp right now).

I'm not going to use Pro Tools. I'm a Cubase user by heart so don't start a war about this. I hope to get good rooms for a studio in my hometown and go semi-professional this year.
Get the profire man, super good pre-amps and super dooper stable. It's the only interface that's worked on my boot camp setup.
I would invest in something for the future, to upgrade every year. Thats why I bought a digi 003 (using logic but want to be able to use protools)

You dont want to go the protools route so go with the fireface 800.

-Fireface 800 -> 1200€
-Audient ASP/adat ->1300€

=12 high quality mic pres with good AD/DA

for the future you can buy an api 4 channel pre to hook up with the fireface + and apogee or aurora AD to connect with the other adat input (8 channel high-class AD for other great preamps)
You could get a Profire 2626 and an ADAT/SPDIF device to add additional preamps.


I'm really GASing for this setup now. I'm looking to upgrade from two Firepods and still need 16 channels. I've been looking at the Profire, but had no idea what to do for additional channels.

Is there a quality difference between the Octopre MKII Dynamic and the Octopre MKII? The dynamic has compressors on each channel, and the other one has 2 inputs on the front. The dynamic shows up as $700 and the other as $500 on musiciansfriend.com and similar sites. I'd actually like having the two inputs on the front.

Also, would this be a good setup for someone running Reaper on XP?
get a digiface: http://www.thomann.de/de/rme_digiface.htm bit less than 800 EUR including PCI card

then a focusrite octopre for 8 decent pres approx 400EUR
then either another octopre or if you feel like you can afford it, a focusrite ISA828 for 8 VERY nice pres

PS: I've never used the Digiface, but I only hear good things. I've used the Octopre and the ISA428, both very good units for their respective prices.
I'm really GASing for this setup now. I'm looking to upgrade from two Firepods and still need 16 channels. I've been looking at the Profire, but had no idea what to do for additional channels.

Is there a quality difference between the Octopre MKII Dynamic and the Octopre MKII? The dynamic has compressors on each channel, and the other one has 2 inputs on the front. The dynamic shows up as $700 and the other as $500 on musiciansfriend.com and similar sites. I'd actually like having the two inputs on the front.

Also, would this be a good setup for someone running Reaper on XP?

don't bother with the dynamic, unless the compressors are great which i can't imagine they are.
cheap doesn´t neccesarily mean bad you know?

yeah but most standalone preamps cost as much as this device. even the cheaper ones like FMR. I think this has a reason and I was asking my self on which part M-Audio is saving money.

+1 (even though I only know the octopre mkI, but the mkII should be even better)

The FF800 and its TotalMix software are just incredible.. and with DigiCheck you get an awesome audio analyser which impresses and helps me every day :headbang:
Some info on Total Mix (Part I, Part II)
DigiCheck: Part I, Part II

Yeah TotalMix looks very interesting! I'm pretty sure that I'll get the FF800.