1st Mr. Asgeir,
What "?" Shirt? Please enlighten, and I myself LOVE Longsleeve shirts!
And with the Cover Art PLEASE!!!! and Sleeve Logo etc.
But . . .
I always wondered, why dont bands have matching "colour" shirts with
the Artwork, at-least a "Navy Blue" with your design, but I prefer the
same colour of the Blue hue of the album.
Don't get me wrong, black shirts work sometimes too (As yours did)
but I think it would look cool
If you want to see what I mean, please look at some T-Shirt Graphics
I have made (Logos and Graphics etc.):
(2 pages)
I hope all you guys are having a smooth creative process making the
next album, and forgive "my" impatients, you guys created something
that made a "resurgents" in technical mastery! and revitalized a genre.