I want opinions on everything


Nov 15, 2009
I want opinions of EVERYTHING
i want to know about the clean guitar tone
the distorted guitar tone
how the vocals sound
Drum mix
bass drum tone
how well it is mixed

and i would love an answer to all the problems within the track

Thank you very much

First track
Come Back To Me is the title

thank you very much
i like the part when the choir comes in in the background...a pitty that theres no doubled guitar and bass, it would kick ass....
the clean guitar tone is quite ok in case you dont want something brillant sounding
in this mix the vox are too loud, but i guess talking about volumes is quite senseless regarding what would habe to be done to make it kick some serious ass. and the song would definitly deserve it i guess, somehow i like it :kickass:

are the drums EzDrummer?
no i use superior drummer 2.0
but thats to the first guy who replied i know that the default settings arn't good en ough for metal :rofl:
and i will turn some of the vox down throw some bass on and upload the track again tonight
1. Double track or quad track the guitars, hard pan the rhythm guits 100%L/100%R...since you dont seem to know what this is from the song you posted, I'll explain. Play the guitar riffs in your song two separate times, as close to the same timing as possible, then pan one left and one right, all the way. if you quad track them, put two of them left and two of them right. You got this now, right? Because when you post "Ok I'll turn down the vox etc" makes me think you didn't listen very well to my very informative first post.

2. Play or program the bass.

3. Dont use drum presets or any presets for final shit. Pete Sandoval does not play for your band, his drum preset shouldn't have to make an appearance either. (IDK if Mr. Sandoval has done anything like this, just using him as an example)

4. See numbers 1-3 for any further re-iteration.

I understand what you said
and for the bass had one its just the volume wasnt good enough i guess so i turned it up A LOT

also you mentioned sometihng about compression so ive been looking for info on it but i dont get it too much

and what i ment by presets, it is a preset volume for the bass i did my own eqing thats why there wasnt enough click

but i highly appreciate the info so ive been throughly going through the music