I want to ride my bicycle...

I saw the thread title and immediately thought that I would be "funny" and post "Nigga stole my bike" as a response...so I scrolled through the thread to see if anyone had said it before me, only to find that I had already said it a couple of months ago....

friggin bumpers
Received and installed my Shimano SLX M665 cranks. Very nice. No more creaking. I run a 1x8 setup (8 speeds) and I went from a 32 tooth front sprocket on my old cranks, to a 36 on these. I wondered how the trails would be, but I tore them up, so it's all good.
Do you ride with people? It seems to me that road bikers are often arrogant and obnoxious. At least, in regards to the way they interact with car traffic. Know what I mean?

Nah, fuck those closet gay clubs in their fluoro and spandex. I like road bikes to get from A to B as quickly as possible and mountain bikes are just so slow and clunky.

Anyway I scored one the best deals imaginable: a Como Viventi, mint condition with all the extras for AUS$460.
