I want to see a genuine cripple use a handicap parking space!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I want to see a genuine cripple use a handicap parking space!

Fuck yeah!

Every time I see someone parking in that place, cripple sticker dangling from their mirror, who gets outta the car?

Some fat bastard or some oldie.

In every case, both oldie and fattie manage to get into the store without so much as a strain. So, its all doctor-approved fraud.

I'll start painting parking places for Fat-Asses, waaay over on the far end of the parking lot. "Weigh more than a grand piano?" Park in the FAT zone and lose a few pounds by walking a little more.

Oldie spaces too! "Older than fossilized mammoth droppings?" Park mid-way to the store. That way, you can tell tales to the grandkids about how far you had walk to get some groceries in the day.

Finally, genuine Cripple spaces for genuine cripples. Which should be ONE space. Because I have never seen a guy on crutches struggling to get out of his car in one of those spaces. "Broke yer leg and wanna go shopping?" BULLSHIT! You're lying! Cripples don't shop! They sit home and heal, watchin TV while someone else says "Need anything at the store?"

I tell ya. Fuckin lying frauds, the lot of em...

How about the silver-backs and welfare recipients that park their $40k Caddy in the Van Accessible spot outside of the supermarket.
Or those fuckers that park their car in the Fire Lane, so they can "just run in for a second".
A couple of months ago, I was at the front of Wal-Mart using the machines to return cans/bottles. A shiny new Lexus pulls up in the Fire Lane and out jumps this 5ft 260lb woman. She keeps repeating over and over, "I gonna be quick, I gonna be quick." Judging from her size, she has never been hurried in her life but, I digress.
I was genuinely concerned that this poor womans Lexus might get jacked. Being the good semaritan that I am, I walked outside, opened the door and locked her car up for her. By the time I went through the checkout to get my bottle refund, a cop was there, writing her a ticket. Loopy cunt.
It's funny how some people do things that most consider wrong and the rest of us do the right thing. I have never parked in a gimp space in my life nor have I ever considered it. I guess I have been too considerate of people who might really be disabled because I don't think it's a big deal to park in a space that's farther away.

Maybe I'm weird.
fah-q said:
How about the silver-backs and welfare recipients that park their $40k Caddy in the Van Accessible spot outside of the supermarket and buy their food with food stamps and wic checks.
Fixed it.
Walter_Langkowski said:
It's funny how some people do things that most consider wrong and the rest of us do the right thing. I have never parked in a gimp space in my life nor have I ever considered it. I guess I have been too considerate of people who might really be disabled because I don't think it's a big deal to park in a space that's farther away.

Maybe I'm weird.

hey, where have you been?
my uncle is a diabetic, not grossly overweight but lost his legs below the knees, the guy can walk but its hard at times becuase of balance issues.

Well anyway after he got his new limbs, went to the DMV to get his handicapped plates.

The lady asked him how long he would need the plates for...and the stared at her for a second.

Then he bent down and popped a leg off and threw it on the county and looked her in the eye...and well ma'am it aint expecting to grow a new one !!!

the place just went dead silent. She took his papers in some office and shut the door and closed the blinds.

She came back out 5 minutes later and told him to get out.

I still laugh at that shit everytime i think about. :heh:
IAN442 said:
my uncle is a diabetic, not grossly overweight but lost his legs below the knees, the guy can walk but its hard at times becuase of balance issues.

Well anyway after he got his new limbs, went to the DMV to get his handicapped plates.

The lady asked him how long he would need the plates for...and the stared at her for a second.

Then he bent down and popped a leg off and threw it on the county and looked her in the eye...and well ma'am it aint expecting to grow a new one !!!

the place just went dead silent. She took his papers in some office and shut the door and closed the blinds.

She came back out 5 minutes later and told him to get out.

I still laugh at that shit everytime i think about. :heh:

She threw him out? Fuck that bitch. I would be getting her supervisor to have a nice little chat with her. You uncle was just answering her very stupid question with a straight answer.
im sure he was loud...but he loves to make a scene when people are stupid its great to watch
gaschamber said:
on curb your enthusiasm it was a guy with a stutter that used the parking space hahaha.

You ever see when Larry David almost hit the guy in the wheelchair while going to see Mel Brooks? That was AWESOME!:headbang: