I want to see pictures of you lovely people!!!

nightwish are the ultimate band (no offense bodom you guys #2 ;) )
but nightwish have everything they are heavy epic have both classical and modern style vocals they have great lyrical depth (which i bet ppl who hate them dont get) fantastic song structure and great production fuck sakes!
NeedledWarheart said:
Tarja yes, has a shitty english speaking voice... but remember... she is finnish. finnish people arent meant to talk english... they talkk finnish, but those who are good at it, i.e Laiho are good. she is bad... But shes hotter than like 90% of chicks i have ever seen and has a better singing voice than any of then. so hush.

Excuse me, not every Finnish person speaks shitty English :Smug:. Most of us have studied English like 10 years or even more in school and in addition to that we hear English everywhere everytime. Simple fact: Tarja isn't just so good at pronouncing.

And what I've seen Tarja IRL and on stage, she is just a normal "the girl next door" chick in a gothic outfit :grin:. Maybe some of her promo pictures are very glamourous and all - due to lighting and make up ;).
Her voice is anyway personal and impressive, can't deny that. Hopefully she concentrates on opera more in the future.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Excuse me, not every Finnish person speaks shitty English :Smug:. Most of us have studied English like 10 years or even more in school and in addition to that we hear English everywhere everytime. Simple fact: Tarja isn't just so good at pronouncing.

She may sucka ss at pronounciation but you apparently suck ass at reading.

"finnish people arent meant to talk english... they talkk finnish, but those who are good at it, i.e Laiho are good. she is bad... "

Ignoring my "laiho are" gramatical fuckup... did i jsut say "she is bad", so why debate what i already said.
Janina said:
Ok, I couldn't find a decent one, so I'll just post this pic of drunken me... So sorry, if I look stupid :Smug:


WHOAAH cheek overload!! can i poke your cheeks? can i? can i?? :-P
heh so where is the fat ugly housewife you were crying out you were? possibly behind that hottie in the front? ;-)